my take on the questions..
1) Is there gonna be an iMac update soon ??
for me, I believe there will be an update on iMac very soon...
reason for such is...
Since Sep. 2005 when there was update of 'Mac mini'
there was an iMac update... or vice versa (except 2008)
looking at the 'buyer's guide', it goes as below..
Mac Mini - iMac
09 '05 - 10 '05
02 '06 - 01 '06
09 '06 - 09 '06
08 '07 - 08 '07
xxx - 04 '08
03 '09 - 03 '09
10 '09 - 10 '09
06 '10 - ??? i expect...
either the update is gonna happen within days.. or within a month...
2) How much difference of an update will it be??
I doubt on any major apperance change...
as many of the forum members suggests... only minor spec. update.
such as.. internal vga chip 9400M to 320M, R4xxx to 5xxx
....nothing so big you'd regret for not waiting...
internal gpu chip is an internal gpu chip... you can't expect much from it.
same goes for R4XXX to R5XXX discrete gpu.. not much in
performance wise.
3) Should you wait for a update?
If ur current computer (pc or mac) is outdated long time..
-> unless ur willing to wait till 2011.. for any major significent difference.
I would say don't wait buy it quickly and enjoy~
If u already have a capable computer (pc or mac) to do daily tasks...
-> and have the patience to wait, I would suggest wait just a bit longer.
.... well its only my thinking..
15" MBP 2.4G (early '08)
Time capsule 500G
iphone3GS 32G
1) Is there gonna be an iMac update soon ??
for me, I believe there will be an update on iMac very soon...
reason for such is...
Since Sep. 2005 when there was update of 'Mac mini'
there was an iMac update... or vice versa (except 2008)
looking at the 'buyer's guide', it goes as below..
Mac Mini - iMac
09 '05 - 10 '05
02 '06 - 01 '06
09 '06 - 09 '06
08 '07 - 08 '07
xxx - 04 '08
03 '09 - 03 '09
10 '09 - 10 '09
06 '10 - ??? i expect...
either the update is gonna happen within days.. or within a month...
2) How much difference of an update will it be??
I doubt on any major apperance change...
as many of the forum members suggests... only minor spec. update.
such as.. internal vga chip 9400M to 320M, R4xxx to 5xxx
....nothing so big you'd regret for not waiting...
internal gpu chip is an internal gpu chip... you can't expect much from it.
same goes for R4XXX to R5XXX discrete gpu.. not much in
performance wise.
3) Should you wait for a update?
If ur current computer (pc or mac) is outdated long time..
-> unless ur willing to wait till 2011.. for any major significent difference.
I would say don't wait buy it quickly and enjoy~
If u already have a capable computer (pc or mac) to do daily tasks...
-> and have the patience to wait, I would suggest wait just a bit longer.
.... well its only my thinking..
15" MBP 2.4G (early '08)
Time capsule 500G
iphone3GS 32G