I just received this 20 inch iMac for Christmas..it has 2.4 Ghz processor, 500 GB HD, 4GB memory. So far its fantastic! The 20 inch mondel fits perfectly on my desk, the 24 inch would have been to big even though the 24 inch is a big difference. This is my first mac ever and opening it was amazing. After about 3 weeks of playing around with it, I have to say that it is the best computer I have ever owned. The screen is so bright, which really "wows" my friends whenever they come over. Keep in mind i am only still in high school so the iChat feature comes in very handy. It is extremely fast and it doesn't lag like all the other Dell computers in my house. The only downfall to my iMac is that every time I turn the computer on, the internet signal is down to half way. I have to turn my airport off and then back on again in order for it to be at full strength..this came off pretty unusual to me considering my wireless N router is no more then 20 feet from my room. And there are times where my iMac will just loose signal out of nowhere during the middle of a iChat or Aim session, while all the other Dell computers in my house still have full signal. So idk if this has something to do with the wireless card built into my iMac or what? Another downfall is that my iMac does give off alot of heat and it gets extremely hot. Especially if I am watching any type of video/ movie or doing an iChat. If you feel the top of the computer while watching some type of video for a period of time, you cant keep your hand on it for more then a few seconds without burning yourself. But other then that it is a great computer and so far there has been no major problems at all. I love it. Hope this helps for people who are looking to buy one. If you have any other questions feel free to post them.