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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 12, 2006
What do you guys think of my work!? Have I got what it takes?

Thanks :)

Also what are the legalaties of selling work that is a picture of someone obtained with out permission...? like the photo 'Camden Woman' in Urban. She was walking passed and I snapped off the shot...


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Have what it takes for what? Just curious.

First, that quote...make sure you cite who said it...I've read it before, but maybe it was originated with you. Either way...that's a pet peeve in which you asked for no critique but I'm giving one.

I find the photos to depict that of a travel photographer. You really do capture the city well and they're great for viewing. Sometimes these types of photographs that have been taken over and over again wind up in coffee table books for viewing or make great gifts for friends and family that do not live in or around London. I can appreciate most of them, but watch your exposures...some of them seem a bit dark however, that may have been the intent, if so, make sure you don't lose your tonal range do the images do not appear flat.

The Church seems like a pretty powerful photo in my opinion. The first couple really tossed me off and made me not want to scroll down. I would limit the frosty leaves to just the frosty leaf and pick two at most of the frosty field/grass/fence etc series. It is boring and I wouldn't want to see 6 photos of that right away when clicking on your gallery. It's not that they're bad, but they're all very similar and it looks like you had no purpose other than to show us what was frosty that day.

That little boat photo is near perfect if you get the boat to be a little more to the left or right. The reason for this is that you are showing a little boat in a big lake/ocean. You're really showing the solitude of the boat and the vastness of the water. I would move the frame over ever so slightly to really capture that whole lonely feeling. The rest are not that bad, I am really bad about titles so I think the titles throw me off a bit. They seem juvinile, but again that is seriously some dumb hangup that I have and it's not fair to say they're bad or good because I am so highly opininated about them. I would say that the black and whites appear more like green/gray. Is this intentional?

Overall I'd say that the website contains some real decent photos. Nothing in the fine art sort of realm, but maybe you can balance that out with some nice portraits (not candids) or something. Either way you have a nice little collection going.

If you're looking to market be certain you have one solid direction...will you do portraits or landscapes and if you do landscapes what will be the focus of your marketing? Will you sell to locate businesses? Will you offer them up to travel magazines? There is so much to think of, but you seem to be off to a decent start.

Thanks for sharing them with me.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 12, 2006
Thanks for the detailed feedback :) It is very helpful...

I just mean are my photos... or some of them good enought for me to think about developing my skill further. I know I should have cut some of them out really and I will do soon as some of them are old and I think I've improved.



macrumors 68000
Jul 20, 2006
you took these with digital camera, right?

the reason i ask is that when i click to enlarge, i can see little squares that looks like it was produced by the scanner... or maybe it's something iweb did ..

great pictures, i like your style


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 12, 2006
Thanks guys, I can't say I've noticed the squares my self, most of the black and white ones were done on film with my trusty old OM10 the digital shots were done with a Canon Powershot S70. Need to get my self a better digital Camera really :(


macrumors 6502
Feb 16, 2006
New York, NY
Not too bad - there are some decent shots in there, so stick with it. One thing I'd suggest is, if you shoot SLR, invest in better lenses. Your images on the whole are pretty soft - some professional glass makes a world of difference here, so don't be cheap with your lenses. They can make or break your photographs.


macrumors 68040
Jun 13, 2004
Not bad IMO, in particular to the nature shots. I really like the shot of the church. I was expecting to see a complete silhouette but then I saw the subtle tone of color towards the bottom - nice touch. :)
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