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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2007
So I go my MBA 1.8/SSD just the second it was announced by uncle Steve.

Since the beginning it's been the biggest disappointment and the worst investment I've ever made. $3000 for a laptop which overheating problems, that couldn't even run a Youtube video properly. The fans would constantly kick in, and the Mac would start to sound like a hoover vacuum.

It seemed that as new updates for 10.5 (Leopard) were coming out, they continuously fixing and unfixing it.

I upgraded to Snow Leopard on the 28th of August, but it was choppier than Leopard. I believe it has been like a massive public Beta for which we all paid $30. And again, my MBA wasn't able to handle any videos properly.

Just recently I bought the Ultimate 64bit version of Windows 7, and installed it; no boot camp crap and partitioning, I literally shoved the DVD in, formated everything and installed Win7.

I was AMAZED by how well it run! Everything was working except the multi-touch tracpad, the command buttons at the top of the keyboard, and the sound. I tried installing the 3.0 bootcamp drivers... The apple program that decides if your system is capable of installing the drivers (or whatever it thinks) said that they did not support the installation of the drivers in my system (thanks, Apple, I bought your ****** MBA 1yr and half ago and you say my MBA is a piece of ****? ... you guys really knew its a piece of ****, lol)

So I used these commands to get past that stupid test thing:

So now I have a fully operating Windows 7 in my 1st Gen MBA... and I gotta say its freaking amazing. This time Micro$oft has gotten really close (or maybe even kicked Apple's ass).

Of course, the fans keep kicking in, but the system continues to run as smooth as silk. It doesn't get much warmer, and doesn't do the core shutdown thing that pissed everyone off. I can watch youtube videos!!! Finally.

I love that I am able to use the keyboard to control every single thing in my system, I got used to using the keyboard over the past 2 summers during my interships... and I gotta say the muti-touch thingy is ok, but please apple, I rather move around the OS using the keyboard, its x100 faster.

I haven't gotten any errors or crashes so far. The new task bar whips the dock's ass, and even though its a copy... it really is soooo much better.

The OS is SO customizable that it makes me jizz all over the screen. Especially when I see the freakish wallpapers M$ has decided to include.

The OS starts up in a sec, and shuts down in a sec, the programs run so fast its unbelievable, and the are SO SMOOTH... its just... I am really amazed.
I've been a Mac fanboy since 2002 when I got my first Mac... but I am amazed about what M$ has accomplished.

Finally my MBA is the laptop it was meant to be.

(I really never thought I would end up saying nice things about M$... lol)


macrumors 601
Apr 21, 2004
LOL yeah that MBA was too early for television when it debuted (what ever that means). I got the rev A, sucked. I have the rev B ssd with 1.86 and much better but can't run HD content without studdering. Thinking of selling for a 13in mbp. hmmmm but damn i've spent 2200 for this thing!!!


Sep 19, 2008
LOL yeah that MBA was too early for television when it debuted (what ever that means). I got the rev A, sucked. I have the rev B ssd with 1.86 and much better but can't run HD content without studdering. Thinking of selling for a 13in mbp. hmmmm but damn i've spent 2200 for this thing!!!

You mean you cannot run certain HD from within your browser. Running from within an HD video program works fine. Just use the right player depending on file type.

I was one of the original "suckers" who believed in Jobs and Apple. Now, I ensure proper Mac like usability before buying a Mac.

Nice to hear there's finally a use for the original MBA. I am considering making my 2.13 GHz MBA a Windows 7 machine as soon as the next MBA is introduced.


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2007
Yay Area, CA
You may not notice it, but in Windows, the MBA also throttles the CPU down. It's just not as noticeable because of several factors including Flash being extremely more efficient in Windows than in OSX so you don't get YouTube studders, the system literally running at a lower CPU clock almost all the time unless you have a literal cool system and of course better GPU drivers, I personally think Windows Drivers, when they don't blue screen like crazy, are better than OSX counterparts.

I know for my Rev C 2.13GHz, in Windows, the system just literally runs at 1.6GHz continuously until the CPU cools down to about 45 deg C, which doesn't stay long. So really, the system is always at 1.6GHz in Windows, while in OSX, I get jumps between 1.6GHz, 1.86GHz and 2.13GHz.


macrumors regular
Sep 1, 2009
Well CaptainCannabis, it is good to hear win7 runs good on your older MBA. Apple and MS both have thier issues, but win7 is really a pretty nice system now. It ran GREAT on my last netbook. But if you really decide you want SL, I woudl suggest selling your MBA and getting a new or referb unit. Now that I have a rev B unit, I do not plan to go back to windows anytime soon. It really feels like the best of both worlds now. Lightweight (like a netbook), but still a nice big screen, and SL is a very nice system overall.


macrumors 601
Aug 31, 2007
Land of the Free-Waiting for Term Limits
You mean you cannot run certain HD from within your browser. Running from within an HD video program works fine. Just use the right player depending on file type.

I was one of the original "suckers" who believed in Jobs and Apple. Now, I ensure proper Mac like usability before buying a Mac.

Nice to hear there's finally a use for the original MBA. I am considering making my 2.13 GHz MBA a Windows 7 machine as soon as the next MBA is introduced.

Can you please give me a detailed explanation on how to run HULU HD on my MBA 1.8 SSD NVDIA without stuttering.

I have tried them all to no avail.



macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2007
Hi again!

Just a few things I wanted to clarify.

I downloaded the Ultimate 64bit from the M$ store (it was a rip off but worth it).
Downloaded the .iso, which I burned into a DVD.

Like I said, completely formatted everything for Windows and I don't even have Snow installed sucking up space.

Everything comes with the drivers, so after the installation, everything will work perfectly, the only main reason you need to install the bootcamp drivers is for the 2nd mouse click and sound.

I used my snow leopard disk for that, and used the commands in the link above (the vista bootcamp drivers work perfectly).

I had to go to the bootcamp control panel and make the system always boot in Win7. Because normally when you press the power button the screen would remain blank, so to access Win you would have to start up pressing alt to get the OS menu.

There is a performance check option on Win7. I will run it later when I have some time, and print a screen.


macrumors regular
Jan 24, 2008
it would be cool (for me anyway) to see windows 7 running on your MBA...and going thru a couple of different programs / commands....

any chance of doing that?


Hi again!

Just a few things I wanted to clarify.

I downloaded the Ultimate 64bit from the M$ store (it was a rip off but worth it).
Downloaded the .iso, which I burned into a DVD.

Like I said, completely formatted everything for Windows and I don't even have Snow installed sucking up space.

Everything comes with the drivers, so after the installation, everything will work perfectly, the only main reason you need to install the bootcamp drivers is for the 2nd mouse click and sound.

I used my snow leopard disk for that, and used the commands in the link above (the vista bootcamp drivers work perfectly).

I had to go to the bootcamp control panel and make the system always boot in Win7. Because normally when you press the power button the screen would remain blank, so to access Win you would have to start up pressing alt to get the OS menu.

There is a performance check option on Win7. I will run it later when I have some time, and print a screen.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
You're the first one to do the same thing I did months ago when Win7 beta 2 came out. Since then I've upgraded to RC, and when my preorder disks come from best buy I'll reinstall the full version.

I also natively installed Win7, no OSx at all. I am also finding my Air running quite nicely. It does heat up a bit, if I put it on my comforter and block the vent the GPU hovers around 79 and the CPUs hover around high 60's. If its all unblocked it runs much cooler. My fans are on, but nowhere near high.

I don't want to turn this into a PC versus Mac debate, I'm only speaking about this only in a hardware sense. I've been quite pleased with how Win7 runs on my Air.

So I go my MBA 1.8/SSD just the second it was announced by uncle Steve.

Since the beginning it's been the biggest disappointment and the worst investment I've ever made. $3000 for a laptop which overheating problems, that couldn't even run a Youtube video properly. The fans would constantly kick in, and the Mac would start to sound like a hoover vacuum.

It seemed that as new updates for 10.5 (Leopard) were coming out, they continuously fixing and unfixing it.

I upgraded to Snow Leopard on the 28th of August, but it was choppier than Leopard. I believe it has been like a massive public Beta for which we all paid $30. And again, my MBA wasn't able to handle any videos properly.

Just recently I bought the Ultimate 64bit version of Windows 7, and installed it; no boot camp crap and partitioning, I literally shoved the DVD in, formated everything and installed Win7.

I was AMAZED by how well it run! Everything was working except the multi-touch tracpad, the command buttons at the top of the keyboard, and the sound. I tried installing the 3.0 bootcamp drivers... The apple program that decides if your system is capable of installing the drivers (or whatever it thinks) said that they did not support the installation of the drivers in my system (thanks, Apple, I bought your ****** MBA 1yr and half ago and you say my MBA is a piece of ****? ... you guys really knew its a piece of ****, lol)

So I used these commands to get past that stupid test thing:

So now I have a fully operating Windows 7 in my 1st Gen MBA... and I gotta say its freaking amazing. This time Micro$oft has gotten really close (or maybe even kicked Apple's ass).

Of course, the fans keep kicking in, but the system continues to run as smooth as silk. It doesn't get much warmer, and doesn't do the core shutdown thing that pissed everyone off. I can watch youtube videos!!! Finally.

I love that I am able to use the keyboard to control every single thing in my system, I got used to using the keyboard over the past 2 summers during my interships... and I gotta say the muti-touch thingy is ok, but please apple, I rather move around the OS using the keyboard, its x100 faster.

I haven't gotten any errors or crashes so far. The new task bar whips the dock's ass, and even though its a copy... it really is soooo much better.

The OS is SO customizable that it makes me jizz all over the screen. Especially when I see the freakish wallpapers M$ has decided to include.

The OS starts up in a sec, and shuts down in a sec, the programs run so fast its unbelievable, and the are SO SMOOTH... its just... I am really amazed.
I've been a Mac fanboy since 2002 when I got my first Mac... but I am amazed about what M$ has accomplished.

Finally my MBA is the laptop it was meant to be.

(I really never thought I would end up saying nice things about M$... lol)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2007
So here is the performance test.

Even though it seems low, you need to take into account its because of the ****** X3100... however... if Win7 runs this SMOOOOOTH with the intel X3100, I can't imagine how smooth it will run with the new Nvidia GPUs.

Also, I guess no real difference will be noticed between one machine and the other unless you play a game, or perform some intensive graphics activity.

Also, note that it says that I need to perform the test again, thats only because I plugged in an external HD.

Also, right now I have 2 word docs open, and excel spreadsheet, winamp and various Chrome windows open. My current ram used is 1147 and free 859. Also, even with the video running, the CPUs indicate 20-25% on the first one and 10-15% on the second one. (Modification/Edit sometimes Core 1 goes up to 30-35%)

Fans do kick in more often, but I got accustomed to it as they started kicking in all the time when I installed Snow Leopard.

PS: I have no idea what the performance numbers mean... but it runs so smoooth. I've prob spent around $15,000 on Apple products since 2002/2003... but this time, M$ has won the battle on OS... Might consider a switch over in a few years if I'm not impressed by Apple.

Edit (again)

Btw when I mentioned the Core usage above, I also forgot to mention the bootcamp drivers and other things running on the background. I also have Kaspersky... I don't know if that affects the CPU usage in any way.



macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2007
You're the first one to do the same thing I did months ago when Win7 beta 2 came out. Since then I've upgraded to RC, and when my preorder disks come from best buy I'll reinstall the full version.

I also natively installed Win7, no OSx at all. I am also finding my Air running quite nicely. It does heat up a bit, if I put it on my comforter and block the vent the GPU hovers around 79 and the CPUs hover around high 60's. If its all unblocked it runs much cooler. My fans are on, but nowhere near high.

I don't want to turn this into a PC versus Mac debate, I'm only speaking about this only in a hardware sense. I've been quite pleased with how Win7 runs on my Air.


Yes, I'm extreeeeeemely pleased by the way Win7 runs on my MBA.

I do not want to turn this into a PC vs Mac debate either, but I am happy that for the first time I feel comfortable with my MBA, and not the rip off feeling I had for the last like ... almost 2 years. I can finally take the Air around and use it as a decent laptop, probably not the fastest one, but I can watch videos on youtube, play DVD-rips of my fav movies, listen to music, browse the web, listen to music, work on spreadsheets (I love valuations), work on docs and do a bunch of things without noticing the throttle of CPU (if there is any)... in other words, do normal everyday chill activities. Also I love the keyboard short cuts... its something I really miss in Mac, moving around excel, the OS.. and every app with the keyboard.

Very happy for the first time :)

on my rev b macbook air HDD, my windows score was 5.9, just for reference.

Wow... I mean, that sounds a little bias, take into account that to reach over 5.9 you need a REALLY good system. I would have expected the Rev B to be around 4.5.

But who knows... maybe u are right!


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2007
Yay Area, CA
Wow... I mean, that sounds a little bias, take into account that to reach over 5.9 you need a REALLY good system. I would have expected the Rev B to be around 4.5.

But who knows... maybe u are right!

A Rev C with a SSD can only manage 4.4-4.9, sometimes 5.1 if you're lucky and have a cool air conditioned room. I call BS on that score.


macrumors 601
Mar 15, 2005
Well, glad to hear Windows 7 makes your Air more usable. A shame you can't use OS X as the main OS, to keep it all Mac, but if Windows 7 helps, I guess that's a great thing!


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2008
It's good to hear you got a happy ending with your Air. I'm thinking of buying Win7 to play games again. I have the RC and liked what I saw. I've kind of got Windows fatigue, but I can't pass up trying a new tech/software release.

Of course, I never had problems with Vista. I kinda like it actually. I really like OS X, but I've had just problem after problem with all of the Macs I've owned. I think the gods want me on the Microsoft team, or something. Oh well, that's how it goes.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 13, 2008
Warsaw, Poland
Just recently I bought the Ultimate 64bit version of Windows 7, and installed it; no boot camp crap and partitioning, I literally shoved the DVD in, formated everything and installed Win7.

I was AMAZED by how well it run! Everything was working except the multi-touch tracpad, the command buttons at the top of the keyboard, and the sound. I tried installing the 3.0 bootcamp drivers... The apple program that decides if your system is capable of installing the drivers (or whatever it thinks) said that they did not support the installation of the drivers in my system (thanks, Apple, I bought your ****** MBA 1yr and half ago and you say my MBA is a piece of ****? ... you guys really knew its a piece of ****, lol)

So I used these commands to get past that stupid test thing:

So now I have a fully operating Windows 7 in my 1st Gen MBA... and I gotta say its freaking amazing. This time Micro$oft has gotten really close (or maybe even kicked Apple's ass).

Of course, the fans keep kicking in, but the system continues to run as smooth as silk. It doesn't get much warmer, and doesn't do the core shutdown thing that pissed everyone off. I can watch youtube videos!!! Finally.

I love that I am able to use the keyboard to control every single thing in my system, I got used to using the keyboard over the past 2 summers during my interships... and I gotta say the muti-touch thingy is ok, but please apple, I rather move around the OS using the keyboard, its x100 faster.

I haven't gotten any errors or crashes so far. The new task bar whips the dock's ass, and even though its a copy... it really is soooo much better.

The OS is SO customizable that it makes me jizz all over the screen. Especially when I see the freakish wallpapers M$ has decided to include.

The OS starts up in a sec, and shuts down in a sec, the programs run so fast its unbelievable, and the are SO SMOOTH... its just... I am really amazed.
I've been a Mac fanboy since 2002 when I got my first Mac... but I am amazed about what M$ has accomplished.

Finally my MBA is the laptop it was meant to be.

(I really never thought I would end up saying nice things about M$... lol)

I've installed Windows 7 RC on my rev B/SSD Air, and my experience with it is completely different. Boot time is actually worse. Battery life is downright horrible. And OS X really has a lot of shortcuts - I can't see how anyone could complain about it, unless you didn't look for them in the first place.


Sep 19, 2008
A Rev C with a SSD can only manage 4.4-4.9, sometimes 5.1 if you're lucky and have a cool air conditioned room. I call BS on that score.

It was probably 5.9 for one of the scores not the lowest and overall score. I am sure it wasn't intentional. Let's not go off the deep end.


Sep 19, 2008
I've installed Windows 7 RC on my rev B/SSD Air, and my experience with it is completely different. Boot time is actually worse. Battery life is downright horrible. And OS X really has a lot of shortcuts - I can't see how anyone could complain about it, unless you didn't look for them in the first place.

Remember though this is an original MBA which honestly ran Leopard far less efficiently than Windows 7. Remember that the original had problems with video performance. Windows is more than twice as efficient at running video apps and Flash. It's just the truth. I wish Apple would spend more time trying to figure out how to boost video performance than focusing on new features.

It's SAD that people finally have a use for an original MBA and it isn't something Apple worked through but rather the new Microsoft OS! SAD! Apple really f'd over the original MBA buyers from DAY ONE!


macrumors 6502a
Sep 13, 2008
Warsaw, Poland
Remember though this is an original MBA which honestly ran Leopard far less efficiently than Windows 7. Remember that the original had problems with video performance. Windows is more than twice as efficient at running video apps and Flash. It's just the truth. I wish Apple would spend more time trying to figure out how to boost video performance than focusing on new features.

It's SAD that people finally have a use for an original MBA and it isn't something Apple worked through but rather the new Microsoft OS! SAD! Apple really f'd over the original MBA buyers from DAY ONE!

I do remember it, and I agree Windows 7 is better at Flash. Things like boot time and battery life should still apply though. Video isn't everything. In fact it's far from it. (BTW I'm posting it from Windows)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2007
So I've finally had my MBA throttle back with Win7.

I was running a full virus check of both my SSD and my external 500GB HD.

I also had a word document on, winamp, and Chrome with a few Windows.

The music was still playing and I could still write. The virus scan was making my Cores reach +90% (also, my room was a little warm I must say).

It slowed down in the way that when I tried to switch to another window (alt+tab)it took a while to load it, but then worked fine once it was loaded.
I rather have it this way, than the crazy core shutdown+mouse pointer going crazy+apps slowing down+video shuttering = close lid to let it chill for 5 min.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2007
Thought I should share my happiness with you guys one last time, here it goes:

Sorry, I know this is not the pics forum :p
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