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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 28, 2003
New York
When I try to use the letters template from MYOB, the program tries to open it as an Appleworks document, even though Word is installed. I have been using it fine with Word until a couple of days ago. Now I can't get the letters to open in Word. Any suggestions? :confused:
You mean you can't use the Open File command from inside Word, and the dragging the file onto the Word alias won't allow you to open the file.


Double clicking on the file opens the file in AppleWorks.


MYOB isn't recognizing the template as a Word document.
The template is from MYOB itself. It transfers the template into Word inserting the appropriate name, address, and letter type. When I click on the letter template in MYOB, it should open a word document, but instead it is trying to open an appleworks document.
All I can say is check the actual templates in the Letters folder in MYOB's home application folder to see if OS X is still seeing the documents as Word files. Double clicking one should also open it in Word, and the icon should still be a Word Template.

Could be that you opened another file somewhere else that's making OS X think all .dot (I think that's the extension) files are AppleWorks files.

If that's the case you'll have to set the default application back to Word for all the .dot files or just the ones you need inside MYOB's home folder.


Show Info/Get Info [command-I] in the finder will bring up some more info on the file.


And I had to ask the other question, because there are still a lot of people who don't know how to open a file any other way besides double-clicking it. :rolleyes:
The templates are linked with word and open as a word file, but MYOB still tries to open Appleworks. Any other ideas you can think of.
Re: Second Look...

I don't know, the mail-merge files I saw when I looked inside the Letters>Text Letters folder said they were SimpleText files and will be opened with TextEdit.

The templates one level up in Letters were the Word template files.

If you are mail-merge/auto and filling the name/address/etc. the program is probably using the plain text files with the strange stuff in it.
Text Letters -path- Letters>Text Letters>Apology Letter

«IF Contact»
«Contact»«ENDIF»«IF Contact<>"«Name»"»«IF Name»
«Name»«ENDIF»«ENDIF»«IF Add1»
«Add1»«ENDIF»«IF Add2»
«Add2»«ENDIF»«IF Add3»
«Add3»«ENDIF»«IF Add4»
«Add4»«ENDIF»«IF Add5»
«Add5»«ENDIF»«IF city1»
«City1», «Prov1»«ENDIF» «POST1»

Dear «IF Salutation»«Salutation»«ELSE»«IF Contact»«Contact»«ELSE»«IF Name»«Name»«ELSE»Sir«ENDIF»«ENDIF»«ENDIF»:

Please accept our deep and sincere apologies. On behalf of our organization, I wish to express our regrets and assure you that all efforts have been made to rectify your situation.

Please call or write me personally if you have any further questions or comments about this situation. Thank you for your understanding.

Could be you opened a plain text file somewhere else and reset them all to AppleWorks, and this is also the file MYOB is using for export.

Since the templates in the Letters folder (on second look) are self-edit files and most likely not the files being used by MYOB.
Word Template -path- Letters>Apology Letter

100 Main Street
Suite 14-B
Anytown, U.S.A. 07945


Marvin Acme
Acme Sales, Inc.
100 Main Street
Toontown, USA «ZIP1»

Dear Marv:

Please accept my sincere apology, on behalf of «Company» for the difficulties we’ve caused you. We’ve made a sincere effort to address your problem, and we hope that you find the resolution satisfactory. Please contact me directly if you have any remaining issues or questions; it’s important to me that your concerns are fully addressed.

But this is based on the troubleshooting rule of thumb -- "You sure you're looking at the right file? And it's not this one over here?"
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