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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 7, 2008
So I did the MySpace app update yesterday (i think?) and I noticed that the icon is now smaller then all the other icons. Is everyone's like this now?


It wasn't like that before. Uninstalling and re-installing the app doesn't change anything. And yes, before anyone says anything this is a jailbroken iPhone however Winterboard is NOT installed and there are no UI modifications with the exception of Five Icon Dock (the me, the main reason to JB!)
Thanks for that. What a god-awful ugly decision. Why would they do that? It completely screws up the icon layout / spacing.

I just didn't see it mentioned anywhere so I was wondering if it's just me since I know people get pretty testy about stuff like that (including me! :) )
Weird, I just deleted MySpace app on my iPhone and re-downloaded it, and it looks normal again. Try re-downloading it!

Just tried it on my phone and nope, it's the same stupid little icon it was before :p

Thanks for the suggestion tho!
From and branding and design point of view, its brilliant. Stands out from all the other apps icons. I wouldn't be surprised you start seeing more of these visual tricks.
I thought this was going to be a thespaz thread.:p

I'm kind of offended by that. Especially coming from a fellow UCF grad. Go Knights!

ahh highschoolers and their myspace

Where was high school mentioned anywhere in this post? Nowhere. Why make a comment like that? Uncalled for.

Why does everyone feel the need to give their opinion/snarky remarks about MySpace? I'm sure there's a place for that and a thread about the app's icon, that has nothing to do with the site/service mind you, is not it. I don't particularly like MySpace either but it is a good contact/networking tool for those people that just won't use Facebook.

For the rest of you, thanks for your comments. One of the reasons the iPhone is so popular is because of it's elegant aesthetics. This "small icon" thing kind of ruins that.
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