IMHO if MySQL goes missing from Lion Server, Apple will be missing out on a huge target audience of people who want to develop PHP/Python/Perl + MySQL applications on their own computer. Basically an Apple made alternative to MAMPPro, that also provides a bunch of other goodies.
IMHO if MySQL goes missing from Lion Server, Apple will be missing out on a huge target audience of people who want to develop PHP/Python/Perl + MySQL applications on their own computer. Basically an Apple made alternative to MAMPPro, that also provides a bunch of other goodies.
Why not just download it from the MySQL site? If you're developing PHP/Python/Perl + MySQL apps, why even bother with the extra cost of the server add-on? You've already got PHP, Python, Perl and Apache2 out of the box on Lion: all you need to do is enable the PHP module in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and install MySQL from
If I download MAMP and install, could I cause any conflicts with the built in php, python, and perl ?
MYSQL has been replaced with PostgreSQL - apparently due to Oracle MYSQL licencing issues.
...essentially MySQL has moved from Open Licensing to being mostly Open (GNU General Public License), and not to be bundled with a commercial package (Mac OS X) unless an additional enterprise license is held.
But here are some articles that I found useful on this MySQL issue as I will be developing WordPress sites that need to migrate over to real hosts: