I am now the owner (not proud, mind you) of a new pulldown located in my top menu bar. Where there are normally such common menus as my WeatherPop, clock, battery power, airport, etc. there is now a *new* menu that shows all of my running applications. It's like what shows up when you hit Control-Tab. When clicked upon it shows those applications along with the options of: Hide All, Show All, and Show (Icon&Name, Icon only, Name only).
It's very possible this is part of a launching app. I've been playing with LaunchBar, Butler, and QuickSilver recently. It seems like these are the type of programs to stick that up in my menu bar, but I can't seem to figure out how to turn this feature off. Um, had to install CorelWordPerfect and I got a couple small programs like a timer, but I highly doubt it's related to that.
Anybody ever seen this before?! All help welcome!
PS I would have included a Grab screenshot...if I could do that. But the only thing that would work with a menu shot would be Timed Shot. I tried that three times to no avail. Grab opens the window but the option to Save the picture is greyed out and unavailable. Sorry!
It's very possible this is part of a launching app. I've been playing with LaunchBar, Butler, and QuickSilver recently. It seems like these are the type of programs to stick that up in my menu bar, but I can't seem to figure out how to turn this feature off. Um, had to install CorelWordPerfect and I got a couple small programs like a timer, but I highly doubt it's related to that.
Anybody ever seen this before?! All help welcome!
PS I would have included a Grab screenshot...if I could do that. But the only thing that would work with a menu shot would be Timed Shot. I tried that three times to no avail. Grab opens the window but the option to Save the picture is greyed out and unavailable. Sorry!