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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 21, 2004
Centre College
I am now the owner (not proud, mind you) of a new pulldown located in my top menu bar. Where there are normally such common menus as my WeatherPop, clock, battery power, airport, etc. there is now a *new* menu that shows all of my running applications. It's like what shows up when you hit Control-Tab. When clicked upon it shows those applications along with the options of: Hide All, Show All, and Show (Icon&Name, Icon only, Name only).

It's very possible this is part of a launching app. I've been playing with LaunchBar, Butler, and QuickSilver recently. It seems like these are the type of programs to stick that up in my menu bar, but I can't seem to figure out how to turn this feature off. Um, had to install CorelWordPerfect and I got a couple small programs like a timer, but I highly doubt it's related to that.

Anybody ever seen this before?! All help welcome!

PS – I would have included a Grab screenshot...if I could do that. But the only thing that would work with a menu shot would be Timed Shot. I tried that three times to no avail. Grab opens the window but the option to Save the picture is greyed out and unavailable. Sorry!
Veldek said:
Did you try to command-drag it out of the menubar?

I just did at your advice. It doesn't work. Holding control, option, or command has no effect on it other than opening the window. Which is what makes me think it's been put there by another program and is not a 10.3 feature. For example, I can't command-drag my weatherpop menu, either.
just to make sure you didn't misunderstand the previous poster, try holding down the command key, then clicking on the menu (keep holding) and drag it towards your desktop. the little icon should stick with your cursor and letting go somewhere not on the menubar should make it go poof....
this can also be used to rearrange all menu items (including fast user switching and the time)

problem solved!

realityisterror said:
just to make sure you didn't misunderstand the previous poster, try holding down the command key, then clicking on the menu (keep holding) and drag it towards your desktop. the little icon should stick with your cursor and letting go somewhere not on the menubar should make it go poof....
this can also be used to rearrange all menu items

Right. I did that, made sure I was doing what you had also said – the menu doesn't move. :)

And...I appear to be an idiot. It seems this was tied to iClock somehow. I quit the application b/c I realized I couldn't command-drag something *between* the time and this strange new menu. And when I quit iClock it went away.

I apologize everyone! Whew. ::wipes brow:: this is a relief. Thank you folks for all your help!
realityisterror said:
just to make sure you didn't misunderstand the previous poster, try holding down the command key, then clicking on the menu (keep holding) and drag it towards your desktop. the little icon should stick with your cursor and letting go somewhere not on the menubar should make it go poof....
this can also be used to rearrange all menu items (including fast user switching and the time)


my sophos antivirus menubar doesnt move when i do that.
jtgotsjets said:
my sophos antivirus menubar doesnt move when i do that.

Right. It seems to me (from my limited experience) that applications that put things up in the menu bar don't move, such as QuickSilver or iClock or WeatherPop. Command-dragging those will just act as a normal mouse click. But the Mac OS system things should move for ya.
How did you install Wordperfect? The Mac or PC version using VPC? I know the PC version of WordPerfect does have an app that does this and it is installed by default.
Applications just "fake" menus up there, by changing their colors, etc. But system stuff, or applications that have created a "true" menu, will stay there until the end of time. Which, according to my watch, is in a little over two hours from now... ;)
Sure it wasn't Classic?

Are you sure that extra menu with all the applications listed in it wasn't the Classic application menu? It sounds exactly like that, with "Hide All", "Show All", etc.

Was the menu bar all grey (rather than white pinstriped) when you saw this menu? If iClock or whatever it was that made it go away was running in Classic mode, this would have made that menu appear.

I used to assume that everyone knew what Classic or OS 9 looks like, but by this time, there must be people using Macs who've never had to enter Classic mode or seen OS 9.
ephramz said:
Are you sure that extra menu with all the applications listed in it wasn't the Classic application menu? It sounds exactly like that, with "Hide All", "Show All", etc.

Was the menu bar all grey (rather than white pinstriped) when you saw this menu? If iClock or whatever it was that made it go away was running in Classic mode, this would have made that menu appear.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was caused by iClock because I found a box that had been checked in its preferences called "Show Running Applications in System Menu". :) It could have been, though. I'm familiar with OS 9 but it's possible I had Classic mode on. I'm using ShapeShifter so I can't properly answer your grey menu bar vs white pinstriped question. Sorry!
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