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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 24, 2010
I started using MyWi and I was wondering if theres a chance AT&T will figure out that I'm doing this, and give me tons of fees for it? Whats a safe amount of data to use without them noticing a major increase? I don't want AT&T to murder my kitten D=.

Also, when does the data usage rest on MyWi? I thought it would reset when i stopped it and started it again, but it still shows my usage from before. Does it save it for the whole month?
Dear OP,

You'll be ok, we're charging you for unlimited data for a reason. Unlimited still doesn't have a 5GB limit. Kthx.

Love, at&t

PS. Your kitty's fine :)
I started using MyWi and I was wondering if theres a chance AT&T will figure out that I'm doing this, and give me tons of fees for it? Whats a safe amount of data to use without them noticing a major increase? I don't want AT&T to murder my kitten D=.

Also, when does the data usage rest on MyWi? I thought it would reset when i stopped it and started it again, but it still shows my usage from before. Does it save it for the whole month?

Where does it show data usage?
Where does it show data usage?
Go to Setting -> General -> Usage There you can see how much you've uploaded and downloaded.

I'm assuming the OP is talking about when actually running the program, not in the settings app. In my examples, 874down/278up. I haven't used MyWi in about 9 hours and it's still at 874/278. TBH, I'm not sure when it resets, maybe daily?


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It's been said time and again, there's no cap on iPhone data plans period. That being said, I still wouldn't go crazy and use up a hundred gigs a month. There hasn't been a single case of anyone getting in trouble with AT&T for tethering.
It's been said time and again, there's no cap on iPhone data plans period. That being said, I still wouldn't go crazy and use up a hundred gigs a month. There hasn't been a single case of anyone getting in trouble with AT&T for tethering.

I don't think the issue is the amount of data used, but that it's being used on the ipad. From what I understand ATT can tell the difference, but they are letting it slide if it's not a lot of use.
I don't think the issue is the amount of data used, but that it's being used on the ipad. From what I understand ATT can tell the difference, but they are letting it slide if it's not a lot of use.

I am reasonably certain that if you are using MyWi and tethering your iPad or Mac or anything else, AT&T CANNOT tell that you are using data on the iPad. As far as AT&T can tell, it is the iPhone alone using the data. They have no way of seeing what device is using the wifi generated by MyWi.
I am reasonably certain that if you are using MyWi and tethering your iPad or Mac or anything else, AT&T CANNOT tell that you are using data on the iPad. As far as AT&T can tell, it is the iPhone alone using the data. They have no way of seeing what device is using the wifi generated by MyWi.

Sure they can. Even light packet sniffing would show the Safari User Agent that's sent everytime you surfed the web from the iPad over that connection:

Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B334b Safari/531.21.10

The question is, do they bother?
Sure they can. Even light packet sniffing would show the Safari User Agent that's sent everytime you surfed the web from the iPad over that connection:

The question is, do they bother?

They could easily tell if you are tethering and nail you with retroactive fees at some point. They may or may not ever do that, but it's certainly a real possibility. It's one of the risks of jail breaking. Their TOS specifically state that they may do this.
It's been said time and again, there's no cap on iPhone data plans period. That being said, I still wouldn't go crazy and use up a hundred gigs a month. There hasn't been a single case of anyone getting in trouble with AT&T for tethering.

Is this still the case?

Part of me is thinking of not getting cable internet and just using my iphone unlimited plan with mywi

Would this be safe or no?
My take on this is an iPad using service that dosent overly abuse the TOS is one thing.

Tethering your desktop rather than getting cable internet access is possibly a bridge too far... ;)

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