hello everyone... i got my iphone 3g (8gig if it matters) just about 2 weeks ago, and i have to say im pretty damn happy with it considering all of the haters out there almost talked me out of getting one.
but as with anything, i really wouldnt mind getting a little more functionality out of it... more bang for my buck if you will.
ive been debating jailbreaking my phone for the sake of more applications and other things like themes etc., but if i end up f*#king this phone up, i dont know what i would do.
so i was just wondering if maybe there was a step by step guide for a n00b like me to ensure that my phone wont die/screw up on me?
and im pretty sure after all ive read that i could just restore it to before it was jailbroken, but im afraid itunes might save over that initial back up as well.
im running windows xp...
i guess my main concern is anything happening to my phone if i jailbreak it... ive heard rumors of at&t knowing right away and shutting my phone off, and other nonsense like that.
im just really skeptical but i really want to do it. Can anyone clear any of this up for me? sorry if you've answered this a bunch of times but i couldnt find a clear answer anywhere... All i've seen is use at your own risk and that scares me even more. >.>
but as with anything, i really wouldnt mind getting a little more functionality out of it... more bang for my buck if you will.
ive been debating jailbreaking my phone for the sake of more applications and other things like themes etc., but if i end up f*#king this phone up, i dont know what i would do.
so i was just wondering if maybe there was a step by step guide for a n00b like me to ensure that my phone wont die/screw up on me?
and im pretty sure after all ive read that i could just restore it to before it was jailbroken, but im afraid itunes might save over that initial back up as well.
im running windows xp...
i guess my main concern is anything happening to my phone if i jailbreak it... ive heard rumors of at&t knowing right away and shutting my phone off, and other nonsense like that.
im just really skeptical but i really want to do it. Can anyone clear any of this up for me? sorry if you've answered this a bunch of times but i couldnt find a clear answer anywhere... All i've seen is use at your own risk and that scares me even more. >.>