The game is addictive. I don't see any game coming close in reply value. Tetris doesn't do it for me for whatever reason
- Angry Birds
- Backbreaker: Tackle Alley
- Portal
- Half Life
- Half Life 2
- Team Fortress 2
- Super Mario Brothers
- Sonic 2
- Super Metroid
- Infamous
- Assassins Creed 2
- Knights of the Old Republic
- Dragon Age
- The Fallout Series.
- Pac Man
- Centipede
- Space Invaders
- Pong.
- Monopoly
- Chess
- Go
- Poker
Need I continue?
Until you find one that beats the replay value of Bejeweled 2, then yes.
whats reply value?
I've really enjoyed playing The Rise of Atlantis since I picked it up free on the open feint thing. I play it doubled on my iPad and I guess that fixes one of the big complaints about it (from touch arcade). I'm one board from the end I think, the third time through. I'm going to start over with my new skills and see how much I can score on it!