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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 4, 2010
The game is addictive. I don't see any game coming close in reply value. Tetris doesn't do it for me for whatever reason
The game is addictive. I don't see any game coming close in reply value. Tetris doesn't do it for me for whatever reason

I've really enjoyed playing The Rise of Atlantis since I picked it up free on the open feint thing. I play it doubled on my iPad and I guess that fixes one of the big complaints about it (from touch arcade). I'm one board from the end I think, the third time through. I'm going to start over with my new skills and see how much I can score on it!

I've been playing bejeweled since my monochrome Sony clie days.... It has the most staying power for me of any "game". I think i spent $19 for it way back then too. Luckily, that version is still playing on my treo :D

I didn't enjoy the angry birds lite version enough to buy it, and p vs z doesn't do a thing for me either!
i love bejeweled 2 -- for some reason, i can never stay connected in between games (playing blitz) on the iphone 4 -- i always have to refresh connection and it takes like 30 seconds. i dont have the problem on my ipad though...
  • Angry Birds
  • Backbreaker: Tackle Alley
  • Portal
  • Half Life
  • Half Life 2
  • Team Fortress 2
  • Super Mario Brothers
  • Sonic 2
  • Super Metroid
  • Infamous
  • Assassins Creed 2
  • Knights of the Old Republic
  • Dragon Age
  • The Fallout Series.
  • Pac Man
  • Centipede
  • Space Invaders
  • Pong.
  • Monopoly
  • Chess
  • Go
  • Poker

Need I continue?
  • Angry Birds
  • Backbreaker: Tackle Alley
  • Portal
  • Half Life
  • Half Life 2
  • Team Fortress 2
  • Super Mario Brothers
  • Sonic 2
  • Super Metroid
  • Infamous
  • Assassins Creed 2
  • Knights of the Old Republic
  • Dragon Age
  • The Fallout Series.
  • Pac Man
  • Centipede
  • Space Invaders
  • Pong.
  • Monopoly
  • Chess
  • Go
  • Poker

Need I continue?

Until you find one that beats the replay value of Bejeweled 2, then yes.
Until you find one that beats the replay value of Bejeweled 2, then yes.

6th item on my list, Team Fortress 2. Coming up to about 150 hours of playtime in that, or maybe Go - which I believe is around 2500 years old and has an estimated 27 million players on the planet.

I'd say that was probably a slight more replayable, as the estimate comes in at about 10^768 possible games.

EDIT: iTunes link for a version
Here's a bunch of games that I love:
  • Scrabble
  • Tetris
  • Solitaire 3D
  • Pinball HD
  • Field Runners
  • Guitar Hero
  • Stair Dismount

I have many other games that I enjoy, but they don't have much replay value after you've played them for a while. I personally don't enjoy Bejewelled 2, as I don't see the replay value in it. But that's just my opinion; we all like different games and not all games have the same replay values to all of us.

whats reply value?

The incorrect spelling of replay value.
If you're after casual games particularly match 3 games, try the following:
Call of Atlantis
PuzzleQuest Chapter 1 and 2
Castlevania: Encore of the Night
Treasures of Montezume
Atlantis Sky Patrol
Piyo Blocks (similar to bejeweled in terms of high score-oriented gameplay)
I've really enjoyed playing The Rise of Atlantis since I picked it up free on the open feint thing. I play it doubled on my iPad and I guess that fixes one of the big complaints about it (from touch arcade). I'm one board from the end I think, the third time through. I'm going to start over with my new skills and see how much I can score on it!

Try Call of Atlantis. It plays strikingly similar but with better overall gameplay. I also got CoA for free on one of those promo things. Rise of Atlantis which I got to play only later on, also during the same promo thingy you got it for, made me wonder why the hell they are so so similar. Actually there's even another 'Atlantis' match 3 game (forgot the title) that came out for free for a limited time around the same time also. But overall, the best would really be Call of Atlantis.
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