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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 26, 2011
Hey guys,

I have a question regarding the bandwidth when it comes to downloading and streaming movies over my home network. If I was to buy and download a 1080p movie and then stream it from another location (like office/living room), does that mean the bandwidth used will be twice? For example, if the file is 15gb, does it mean I will end up using 30gb to download and stream that movie?

I ask this because this will factor in whether I will be buying a mac mini with external storage for viewing movies so that I can stream locally from the external HDD or a NAS with atv/acer revo to stream. I have limited monthly caps on the internet and I would prefer to use most of the bandwidth for getting new content rather than streaming it. Any ideas? Thanks!
There are TWO networks you are talking about:
WAN - internet connection go through your modem, this bandwidth controls by your ISP.
LAN - where all the local IP(s) connect to your switches whether it's 100mb or Gb.

When you download - and streaming, it share the bandwidth when the connection id NOT full-duplex.
As far as the file size it relate to storage size that you need.
If you download 15GB file, that is what this file will take from your storage pool
It wont double the storage space when you streaming it out
Hope this help!
Allow me to clarify Firewire2's comments:

When you download a file from the Internet, that uses your Internet bandwidth and cap. This connection is typically referred to as the "WAN" or "wide-area network".

Your computers, NAS, and video streamer are all connected to the network you have in your house. This is called the "LAN" or "local-area network". You are not charged for streaming, copying, or otherwise transferring files from one device on your LAN to another.

If you attempt to stream a movie from a computer at your house to another device at someone else's house, then you are once again on the WAN and are using your Internet bandwidth and cap.

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