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macrumors 603
Original poster
Dec 25, 2013
Hi everyone. I am looking for a Mac device, either a Mac mini, iMac, or MacBook. In the past, I’ve owned a few MacBooks, and they just kind of sat around because I pretty much do everything on my phone these days. But because Apple refuses to let me manage my Apple Music library for downloaded files on my phone, I do need a device to be able to download live shows off the Internet and import them in my Apple Music library. Maybe I would occasionally use a WebCam for zoom or teams calls, but I highly doubt it. So obviously, I’m not looking to spend a lot, but I definitely want something that’s capable and won’t freeze up. So basically, I’m wondering out of the three devices that I mentioned, how old of a model can I buy without being incredibly frustrated by it. Of course, I would also want to keep it for few years as well.

Thanks for any advice you can offer!
Do you already have an unused display sitting around? If so go for a refurbished Mac mini.

If not and those are your sole requirements [blasphemy] you might be better off with a low cost windows laptop
Do you already have an unused display sitting around? If so go for a refurbished Mac mini.

If not and those are your sole requirements [blasphemy] you might be better off with a low cost windows laptop

Thanks for the reply. I do have an extra monitor that I use as a second monitor in my home office for work. I have a Windows computer for work but of course it’s locked down and they won’t let me install iTunes on it. I will look into refurbished Mac minis. I don’t really want to go with a cheap windows laptop because I’ve had experiences with them failing quickly, but a Mac mini, I could easily just switch the HDMI cable and do what I need to do whenever I need it.
a refurbished Mac mini is like $400-500, which should be good enough. Be sure to get an M1 or M2 model. Other than that, I don't think you actually need more than 8gb of RAM or anything over the base SSD. Just be sure to get apple silicon, other than that, you're good.
Thanks! Two out of two refurbished Mac mini so I think that’s the one. Lol. $500 on Apple refurbished.
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