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macrumors member
Original poster
May 6, 2003
Charlottesville, VA
Can someone suggest a good FREE FTP program that I can run on 10.3? I used to run fetch on os 9 but it appears that fetch isn't free anymore.

Open terminal, then type ftp (IP or hostname) and return.

Type bin to change to binary, type get to retrieve a file, type put to upload a file.

By the way, I use Captain FTP, but it costs a little bit.
Originally posted by KershMan
Open terminal, then type ftp (IP or hostname) and return.

Type bin to change to binary, type get to retrieve a file, type put to upload a file.

By the way, I use Captain FTP, but it costs a little bit.

What is the path to the files I want to upload? I need to upload a file called gigs.html which is in a folder called webroot on my hard drive.


And if anyone else knows of a free FTP program, let me know. I'm cheap, what can I say.
Originally posted by KershMan
Open terminal, then type ftp (IP or hostname) and return.

Type bin to change to binary, type get to retrieve a file, type put to upload a file.

By the way, I use Captain FTP, but it costs a little bit.

I figured out that I can drag and drop the file into the terminal window, so I do that, and then I hit return, and then it says (remote file) and I don't know what that means.

Thanks again.
get fugu. it supports sftp and other secure protocols. may or may not work for simple ftp, never tried. not the best interface but it's completely free.

edit: nevermind, one of the comments state how this won't work with regular ftp. maybe you can keep it on your Mac for future use in secure protocols?

I have been using the new finder for FTP and it's nice. Apple has fixed the FTP in the finder so that it's not just read only anymore.
Re: Finder?

Originally posted by whawho
I have been using the new finder for FTP and it's nice. Apple has fixed the FTP in the finder so that it's not just read only anymore.

Where is it in the finder? I've been looking. Thanks.

Originally posted by somecows
What is the path to the files I want to upload? I need to upload a file called gigs.html which is in a folder called webroot on my hard drive.


You need to move to the folder before you start ftp. It might go like:

cd /webroot
(asks for login id and password and you respond)
put gigs.html gigs.html

and that's about it. The second name on the put is the name you want to call it on the server. If you're not in the correct directory once you're on the server, you can cd to it, just as you would on your local machine.
You guys all work too hard...

Get Viacomsoft FTP Client. It is freeware.

Double click the icon, enter the FTP site address you wish to grab from or send to and then enter your password...
It opens with two windows... the server is on the left and your computer is on the right. Navigate through the right window to find the file you want to send and then drag it to the left (the server you are FTPing to)... or visa-versa... passworded access provided by the host... too easy.

OS8 - 10 compatible

Technology is great in theory but simplicity makes it work.

Get a fetch educational license - its free if you are in school and fetch is a great program. Try it, you won't be sorry!
yeah, I got my educational license, its great! in the finder, if you command+K you can connect to a server using ftp://, though you can only "view" the site, apple needs to make it so you can launch it as its own disk.
Re: Finder?

Originally posted by whawho
I have been using the new finder for FTP and it's nice. Apple has fixed the FTP in the finder so that it's not just read only anymore.

I've been unable to use two way ftp from the finder. It tells me the mounted volume is read only. Am I missing something?
That's what I was trying to say... I have the same issue as well. This should be fixed. I've tried messing with users, keychains, et al... can not get it to work, however,typing in then asks me to enter a username & passwd, so I imagine my finder is getting close to working... just not for my site
Re: Re: Finder?

Originally posted by Thirteenva
I've been unable to use two way ftp from the finder. It tells me the mounted volume is read only. Am I missing something?

No, you're not missing anything. That's the way it works.

I haven't tried it but I'm wondering if going through the Finder sidebar Network icon would work both ways. I've found that I can't use the Connect to Server option to get to my other machine, but I can get there through the sidebar.

I like CuteFTP, though, if I really have some odd patterns or need to upload a whole folder.
Re: Re: Re: Finder?

Originally posted by bousozoku
No, you're not missing anything. That's the way it works.

I just found out today, was trying to delete a file on my site and it said 'read only', even though I had to enter username and password.

Common Apple, there must be a way to build this fonctionality into the standard seems pretty useless the way it is (or am I missing something ?).

Anyway, I downloaded 'SimpleFTP' which works fine, but maaaaaaaaan
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