Can someone suggest a good FREE FTP program that I can run on 10.3? I used to run fetch on os 9 but it appears that fetch isn't free anymore.
Originally posted by KershMan
Open terminal, then type ftp (IP or hostname) and return.
Type bin to change to binary, type get to retrieve a file, type put to upload a file.
By the way, I use Captain FTP, but it costs a little bit.
Originally posted by KershMan
Open terminal, then type ftp (IP or hostname) and return.
Type bin to change to binary, type get to retrieve a file, type put to upload a file.
By the way, I use Captain FTP, but it costs a little bit.
Originally posted by whawho
I have been using the new finder for FTP and it's nice. Apple has fixed the FTP in the finder so that it's not just read only anymore.
Originally posted by somecows
What is the path to the files I want to upload? I need to upload a file called gigs.html which is in a folder called webroot on my hard drive.
Originally posted by whawho
I have been using the new finder for FTP and it's nice. Apple has fixed the FTP in the finder so that it's not just read only anymore.
Originally posted by Thirteenva
I've been unable to use two way ftp from the finder. It tells me the mounted volume is read only. Am I missing something?
Originally posted by bousozoku
No, you're not missing anything. That's the way it works.