We have three groups here to think about in terms of existing HD technology:
Parallel ATA
Serial ATA
SCSI was old, but has seen a resurgence of late, with SCSI Ultra320 and Ultra 640, plus SAS (serially attached SCSI) moving into ultra high end markets. SAS is included in the new XServes.
Parallel ATA encompasses "Plain ATA" (ATA 100, 133), which is also known as IDE/EIDE, basically. Transfer speeds topping out more or less at 133MB/s Generally still known as IDE, PATA was applied retroactively after the introduction of....
Serial ATA, or SATA. The current standard. Uses a serial transfer interface. Smaller cables than IDE, and faster transfer speeds. SATA150 is 1.5Gb/s (150MB/s) transfer, SATA 300/SATA 3Gbps transfers at up to twice the speed of SATA 150 in theory.
SATA 3Gbps is often
incorrectly referred to as SATA II despite the SATA organization officially requesting that it not be.
SATA 3Gb/s is backwards compatible to SATA 150.
A variant of the SATA interface is eSATA, or external SATA. Special shielded connectors for outside the case connections.
SATA is developing a 6Gb/s standard at this time as well.
All this is fine and dandy, but which one do you need to worry about?
Well, according to your specs, you have the Powerbook G4 12" (DVI) 1.0GHz Sept. 2003-April 2004.
That computer shipped with an Ultra ATA/100 (ATA-6) connection, so anything in
This NewEgg link should work.