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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 8, 2005
Hartford, SD
Well I was going to get a Nikon d50 but in my town the 6 places that sell them were all out and didn't know when they would be getting anymore. So i picked up a rebel xt. I got it in the kit and the kit lens is ok but I wanted to try some macro stuff, so I was thinking about getting a macro lens. What is the least expensive one out there.



macrumors 68000
Feb 14, 2004
Nikon don't half shoot themselves in the foot sometimes with their poor inventory management. Hmm, similar to our favourite computer company ;)

Sorry, can't offer any advice on a Canon macro lens, just had to get that off my chest. For what it's worth the low stocks of the D50 point to a replacement model soon, but when is anyone's guess. If you needed a camera now you did the right thing, although I'd have strongly recommended the Nikon D80 if you could afford it.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
nhamze said:
Well I was going to get a Nikon d50 but in my town the 6 places that sell them were all out and didn't know when they would be getting anymore. So i picked up a rebel xt. I got it in the kit and the kit lens is ok but I wanted to try some macro stuff, so I was thinking about getting a macro lens. What is the least expensive one out there.


Select a macro lens based on the camera to subject distance you want. The longer lenses like 180mm let you get farther away so you could maybe get some lighting equipment in there or just for a flatter perspective or not to scare off an insect. Camera shake is more of an issue with the longer lens then the shorter one. (it is exactly 3x more an issue) a 60mm will do fine and save some money but the lens will be an inch or two away from the subject, not good for insects and the like and the shaorter lens may cause the camera to block light or cast a shadow in the subject.

Also concider those screw-on diopeters. They can let your current lens focus much closer. but not 1:1 like a true macro. but then the diopers are not so expensive.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2004
Central Pennsylvania, USA
You can go with the Kenko Extension Tubes and use your kit lens, but you will need to get really close (like inches) from your subject to focus.

Or you can go with a true 1:1 macro like the Canon 100mm or Sigma 105mm, which will give you a working distance of about 12". The longer the focal legnth the farther away from the subject you can be and still get 1:1.

If your going to dive deep into macro then you definitly want a 1:1 macro. There is always the 60mm models but then you will have to get about 8" away from the subjects, which doesnt work well with alot of insects. So I would suggest the 100mm Canon or the 105mm Sigma. Both are superb lenses and I honestly cant find a true winner with either of these. They also work as normal lenses fixed at 100mm. You can pick them up used for about $425-$450, or new for around $500.

You will need a flash and flash bracket to get the flash near the front of the lens, and the Canon Off-shoe cable #2 ($50). Shoot the bugs at f/11 or 13, 1/200 or 1/250 sec. shutter, manual focus, for great results.

Hope this helps.


macrumors 68000
Jun 29, 2006
The Tamron 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro is $450 after the $40 rebate from B&H. It's a really nice lens with some really nice bokeh.


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
My recommendation would be to get the 100mm macro. Damn nice lens. The EF-S 60mm has two limitations that put it out of the running for me: it's EF-S (so 1.6 crop bodies only, excluding the 10D); and the working distance is too short for insects.

Diopter and similar setups are other options, but they won't give as good results.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 8, 2005
Hartford, SD
What do you guys think of this lens, I am kind of on a tight budget atm so I was trying to get something inexpensive to start out with

Sigma 50mm F/2.8 EX DG Macro Lens for Canon Digital SLR Cameras


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 8, 2005
Hartford, SD
Thanks for all of your input I decided to go with the Sigma 105mm I tried the 60mm one out but I had to get to close for comfort to the object.
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