any suggestions for a note taking/organizing app that works on the imac and syncs with ipod touch that works when offline?
i use evernote now, but when I am offline on my ipod touch, notes are not always visible. especially screen shots and email are invisible even whenmarked as favorites.
the offline aspect is necessary to me.
important features: can sync ipod touch and imac, ability to take screen shots, send emails to the app, organize the notes AND ability to read when offline.
does awesome note work offline? any other ideas?
i use evernote now, but when I am offline on my ipod touch, notes are not always visible. especially screen shots and email are invisible even whenmarked as favorites.
the offline aspect is necessary to me.
important features: can sync ipod touch and imac, ability to take screen shots, send emails to the app, organize the notes AND ability to read when offline.
does awesome note work offline? any other ideas?