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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 30, 2009
New Aperture user here. I'm trying to make an Album that I will than export to an SD card for a picture frame. The frame is an older 800x600 landscape frame.

My intent was to create a version of each picture I wanted to add to the album, crop it to 4x3 landscape and add only that cropped version. But I wanted to stack the version to the original for organization in the project as well. Seemed like an easy thing to do.

However, when the photos are stacked, both the original and cropped version are added to the album. If I unstack, I can delete the original from the album, but stacking again adds it back.

So my question, is there a way to add only one version in a stack to an album?

Add a coloured tag to all the images you want to add, then make a smart album displaying only images with that colour tag.

Same works with keywords - you could add the keyword "photoframe" to all the images you'd like to move over, and set up your smart album to show only words with that keyword.

Hope that helps
Add a coloured tag to all the images you want to add, then make a smart album displaying only images with that colour tag.

Same works with keywords - you could add the keyword "photoframe" to all the images you'd like to move over, and set up your smart album to show only words with that keyword.

Hope that helps

This is probably one of the easiest and most useful features for organizing a photo collection. At the same time, it's probably one of the most under utilized features.

Works a like a charm!
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