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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 16, 2005
Laguna Beach
Would you recommend getting a MacBook 2.0ghz for $1199.00 or a MBP 1.83ghz for $1499.00? Both are new and I do a lot of everything, I'm positive the MB would be enough for what I do, but the MBP looks better and has better GPU. I also can get a Last Rev. 12inch Powerbook G4 for $899 brand new, which is a pretty sweet computer for the price. Let me know how you feel on the whole idea.
I'd seriously consider the MPB; at a $300 price difference that's a pretty good deal.

Otherwise, if money is tight, the MP is an excellent value. (I assume these are EDU prices?)
If you do a bit of everything I'd go with the MBP. Only concerns with MBPs with me are the overheating, but constant updates and revisions seem to be helping that. Plus they have had a few more revisions (obviously!) than the MB, so even though still very very new, are slightly more proven (in my opinion anyway) than the MBs.
Where can you get a MBP for $1499?

I'm assuming through your university? If you have a source, I'd love for you to share...:) :)
Well, I would go with either of the intels over the PB. They are the future. If you can swing it, get the MBP (if you don't mind the size) as it has been out a big longer and has been tweaked. You can't upgrade the graphics after the fact either. That is what I would do. Good luck!!
Yeah, it's through my University. Thanks for the advice. I'll probably go with the MBP, i'll just wait for another Paycheck :)
if you do high-graphic gaming, get the MPB. Otherwise, the MacBook is more than fast enough for most other tasks. Itll save you some money as well.
I may be the only one advocating this, but the Powerbook is cheaper and will probably meet most to all your needs equally as well, unless you plan on doing video editing...
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