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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 20, 2009
The Prime Numbers
MishraJi, a mathematics teacher, was teaching his 6th standard students about the prime
numbers. He listed the first 15 prime numbers on the blackboard:
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47
"We see that the 13th prime number is 41.", said MishraJi. Little Tinku, fascinated about the
prime numbers, asked, "Sir, what is the 100th prime number?" The teacher, unable to answer the
question then, promised Tinku to tell the answer in the next class.
Your task is to help MishraJi by writing a program which can tell the Nth prime number.
The first line of the input will contain the single positive integer t (1 <= t <= 1000), indicating
the number of test cases to follow. The following t lines will be containing one positive integer n
per line (1<= n <= 100000).
The output will consist of t lines, with exactly one number on each line, the n-th prime number.
Sample input:
Sample output:
Marks : 20
Time Limit : 3 seconds

question 2

The Palindromes
A string is said to be palindrome, if it reads same from both ends, i.e, from left-to-right and from
right-to-left. For example, “MALAYALAM” is a palindrome string. The letters are symmetrical at
both ends.
Similarly, a numeral palindrome has corresponding digits from the both ends symmetrical. So, on
reversing the digits of the number, we get the same number itself. Thus, 23432 is a palindrome
number. Further, some numbers have the property that they are palindrome in both decimal, and
binary bases. One such example is the number 58510 = 10010010012
We see that both 585 and 1001001001 are palindromes.
In a given range, you have to find out those numbers which are palindrome in both decimal and
binary bases, and report their decimal sum.
The first line of the input will have a single integer t (1 <= t <= 50), the number of test cases. Then,
t test cases will follow. Each test case will consist of two numbers m and n, which will define the
lower limit and the upper limit of the range (m, n <= 10000000 and m < n).
The output will contain t lines with exactly one number on each line, the sum of all the palindromes
(in both decimal and binary bases) that lie in the given range [m, n].
Sample input:
1 100
300 1000
10000 50000
Sample output:
Marks : 20
Time Limit : 3 seconds

question 3

The Language War
Apologists of Java and C++ can argue for hours proving each other that their programming
language is the best one. Java people will tell that their programs are clearer and less prone to
errors, while C++ people will laugh at their inability to instantiate an array of generics or tell them
that their programs are slow and have long source code.
Another issue that Java and C++ people could never agree on is identifier naming. In Java a
multiword identifier is constructed in the following manner: the first word is written starting from
the small letter, and the following ones are written starting from the capital letter, no separators are
used. All other letters are small. Examples of a Java identifier are javaIdentifier,
longAndMnemonicIdentifier, name, nEERC.
Unlike them, C++ people use only small letters in their identifiers. To separate words they use
underscore character ‘_’. Examples of C++ identifiers are c_identifier,
long_and_mnemonic_identifier, name (you see that when there is just one word Java and C++
people agree), n_e_e_r_c.
You are writing a translator that is intended to translate C++ programs to Java and vice versa. Of
course, identifiers in the translated program must be formatted due to its language rules —
otherwise people will never like your translator.
The first thing you would like to write is an identifier translation routine. Given an identifier, it
would detect whether it is Java identifier or C++ identifier and translate it to another dialect. If it is
neither, then your routine should report an error. Translation must preserve the order of words and
must only change the case of letters and/or add/remove underscores.
The input file consists of several lines that contains an identifier. It consists of letters of the English
alphabet and underscores. Its length does not exceed 100.
If the input identifier is Java identifier, output its C++ version. If it is C++ identifier, output its Java
version. If it is none, output 'Error!' instead.
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
Marks : 35
Time Limit : 3 seconds

question 3

The Language War
Apologists of Java and C++ can argue for hours proving each other that their programming
language is the best one. Java people will tell that their programs are clearer and less prone to
errors, while C++ people will laugh at their inability to instantiate an array of generics or tell them
that their programs are slow and have long source code.
Another issue that Java and C++ people could never agree on is identifier naming. In Java a
multiword identifier is constructed in the following manner: the first word is written starting from
the small letter, and the following ones are written starting from the capital letter, no separators are
used. All other letters are small. Examples of a Java identifier are javaIdentifier,
longAndMnemonicIdentifier, name, nEERC.
Unlike them, C++ people use only small letters in their identifiers. To separate words they use
underscore character ‘_’. Examples of C++ identifiers are c_identifier,
long_and_mnemonic_identifier, name (you see that when there is just one word Java and C++
people agree), n_e_e_r_c.
You are writing a translator that is intended to translate C++ programs to Java and vice versa. Of
course, identifiers in the translated program must be formatted due to its language rules —
otherwise people will never like your translator.
The first thing you would like to write is an identifier translation routine. Given an identifier, it
would detect whether it is Java identifier or C++ identifier and translate it to another dialect. If it is
neither, then your routine should report an error. Translation must preserve the order of words and
must only change the case of letters and/or add/remove underscores.
The input file consists of several lines that contains an identifier. It consists of letters of the English
alphabet and underscores. Its length does not exceed 100.
If the input identifier is Java identifier, output its C++ version. If it is C++ identifier, output its Java
version. If it is none, output 'Error!' instead.
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
Marks : 35
Time Limit : 3 seconds

question 4

Maximum Sub-Array
For an array of n integers, the maximum sub-array can be defined as that subset of consecutive
elements of the array, which on addition, yield the maximum sum. For example, if there is an array
A = {8, -10, 7, 4, -3, 5, -9, 2, -4, 3 } ,
then the maximum sub-array whose elements add up to produce maximum sum is { 7, 4, -3, 5 }
with the sum being 13.
Given a set of arrays, your task is to find out their respective maximum sub-arrays, and report the
sum of the elements of each sub-array
The first line of the input will be a positive integer t (1 <= t <= 100000). t lines will follow
representing each of the t test cases. Each of these lines will contain 25 integers, the elements of
each array.
The output should be of t lines, with exactly one number on each line, the sum of the elements of
the corresponding array's maximum sub-array.
Sample input:
8 20
22 97
15 0 40 0 75 4 50
7 78
52 12 50
77 91 80
49 49
99 40
8 57 60
87 17 40 98 43
69 48 4
56 62 0 81 49
31 73
79 14
29 93
40 67 53 88
30 3 49
13 36 65
52 70
95 23
60 11
42 69
24 68 56 1 32
Sample output:
Marks : 35
Time Limit : 3 seconds

question 5

Number Pyramid
A number pyramid is a set of numbers arranged in the form of a pyramid. An example of one such
pyramid of height 5 is
23 75
80 11 34
15 40 72 15
42 84 93 15 66
On travelling down the pyramid from top to bottom, one has to step down either on the left-handside
number or the right-hand-side number from the current number. So, mathematically, if the
height of the pyramid is n, there can be 2n (2 raised to the power n) different paths possible to reach
from the top to the bottom. Out of these 2n paths, the highest-valued path is defined as that path
whose elements produce the maximum total. For example, the highest-valued path in the above
pyramid is
23 75
80 11 34
15 40 72 15
42 84 93 15 66
with the sum being 99 + 75 + 34 + 72 + 93 = 343.
For a given set of such pyramids, your task is to find the highest-valued path for each pyramid, and
report the sum.
The first line of the input will be a positive integer t (1 <= t <= 10000), the number of test cases.
Afterwards, t test cases will follow. The input pattern for each test case will be as following:
The first line will contain one positive number n (1 <= n <= 20), the height of the pyramid. After
this, n lines will follow. For each i (1 <= i <= n), the i-th line will contain i numbers, the elements
of that line in the number pyramid.
The output will consist of t lines, with each line having exactly one number, the sum of the highestvalued
path of the corresponding pyramid.
Sample input:
2 3
9 7 1
23 90
45 23 76
10 95 34 26
35 13
14 76 34
09 23 16 74
33 67 21 76 25
Sample output:
Marks : 35
Time Limit : 2 seconds

question 5

In mathematics there is the concept of the factorial of a number. They are symbolised like this n!,
pronounced n factorial ( or factorial n). 9! is nine factorial (or factorial nine). The factorial of an
integer is the product of all the positive integers less than or equal to it. Factorials get large very
rapidly. The factorial of 13 is !13 = 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10*11*12*13 = 6227020800. This
number already exceeds what can be fit into a 32-bit integer. Obviously, calculating factorials of
large numbers isn't very easy. But, that's what computers are for, to do the cumbersome numbercrunching,
so that we don't have to do it ourselves!
Your task is to write a program that computes the factorials of 3-digit numbers. But, as I don't like
that huge numbers unless they are on my paycheck, ofcourse, I'll be happy if you just print the sum
of the digits of the factorial you find.
As usual, the first line of the input will contain a single integer t (1 <= t <= 500), the number of test
cases. Following it will be t lines, all containing a single positive integer n (1 <= n <= 999).
The output will contain t lines, with one number on each line, the sum of the digits of the factorial
of the corresponding number n.
Sample input:
Sample output:
Marks : 50
Time Limit : 3 seconds

question 6

In mathematics there is the concept of the factorial of a number. They are symbolised like this n!,
pronounced n factorial ( or factorial n). 9! is nine factorial (or factorial nine). The factorial of an
integer is the product of all the positive integers less than or equal to it. Factorials get large very
rapidly. The factorial of 13 is !13 = 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10*11*12*13 = 6227020800. This
number already exceeds what can be fit into a 32-bit integer. Obviously, calculating factorials of
large numbers isn't very easy. But, that's what computers are for, to do the cumbersome numbercrunching,
so that we don't have to do it ourselves!
Your task is to write a program that computes the factorials of 3-digit numbers. But, as I don't like
that huge numbers unless they are on my paycheck, ofcourse, I'll be happy if you just print the sum
of the digits of the factorial you find.
As usual, the first line of the input will contain a single integer t (1 <= t <= 500), the number of test
cases. Following it will be t lines, all containing a single positive integer n (1 <= n <= 999).
The output will contain t lines, with one number on each line, the sum of the digits of the factorial
of the corresponding number n.
Sample input:
Sample output:
Marks : 50
Time Limit : 3 seconds

please solve this question immediatly i need this answer within 3 hr .
Since the initial post was a bit wordy, let me summarize:
I don't want to do my homework. I don't want to ask for help, I just want you to do my work for me. Also, it would be too cumbersome for me to paraphrase the assignment's questions, or explain what language this must be completed in. Instead, I'll just copy and paste the problems. Also, I really waited until the last minute to try to cheat, so please hurry!

To the OP:
We will not help you cheat here. Try to finish one of these on your own to get partial credit.

Realistically, if you need help on a homework assignment, why would you come to a forum about Mac rumors instead of asking a friend or teacher?

He probably just googled "mac programming forums" - this is the first result, and the 5th if you leave out the "forums" part :)
i think it's funny that he'd post his questions and think that no one would notice that tehy are his homework questions :p
6 seemed like the most interesting. I didn't feel like re-writing the BigInt project from my AP computer science class in high school to handle arbitrary length integers using a variable-length string as the backing store... so I decided to write it in a language that would give me arbitrary-width integers... so here's the haskell solution... the 3 hours seem to have expired:
factwork :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer
factwork [] acc = acc
factwork (x:xs) acc = factwork xs $! (x * acc)

factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial n = factwork [1..n] 1

sumdigits :: Integer -> Integer
sumdigits x = sumwork x 0

sumwork :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
sumwork 0 n = n
sumwork x n = sumwork (x `div` 10) (n + x `mod` 10)

sumfact :: Integer -> Integer
sumfact x = sumdigits (factorial x)

It doesn't do the I/O portion, but passing a number to sumfact will get the factorial of the number, then sum its digits. I'm not very good with IO Monads and whatnot, but it's pretty easy to get something that prints each sum, etc. I would say the easiest thing to do would be to just get all of these values together (they aren't going to change), and use them as an array constant in whatever the target language was, and just use that. Calculating 3 digit factorials at runtime seems foolhardy.

6 seemed like the most interesting. I didn't feel like re-writing the BigInt project from my AP computer science class in high school to handle arbitrary length integers using a variable-length string as the backing store... so I decided to write it in a language that would give me arbitrary-width integers... so here's the haskell solution... the 3 hours seem to have expired:
factwork :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer
factwork [] acc = acc
factwork (x:xs) acc = factwork xs $! (x * acc)

factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial n = factwork [1..n] 1

sumdigits :: Integer -> Integer
sumdigits x = sumwork x 0

sumwork :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
sumwork 0 n = n
sumwork x n = sumwork (x `div` 10) (n + x `mod` 10)

sumfact :: Integer -> Integer
sumfact x = sumdigits (factorial x)

It doesn't do the I/O portion, but passing a number to sumfact will get the factorial of the number, then sum its digits. I'm not very good with IO Monads and whatnot, but it's pretty easy to get something that prints each sum, etc. I would say the easiest thing to do would be to just get all of these values together (they aren't going to change), and use them as an array constant in whatever the target language was, and just use that. Calculating 3 digit factorials at runtime seems foolhardy.


Surely sumfact and factorial should be higher order folds/foldlefts! ;)

fac n = foldl (*) 1 [1..n]

1-liners all the way.
Surely sumfact and factorial should be higher order folds/foldlefts! ;)

fac n = foldl (*) 1 [1..n]

1-liners all the way.

Indeed. I was pleased that after 5 years away I got it working at all. Does fac 0 yield 1 with the foldl example?


Edit: after a minute of reading, it looks like it will yield 1. Nice, indeed.
It is not often you see Haskell on this forum. I know this question is going to provoke a religious war (I guess) but is Haskell better than Scheme / Lisp or are they aimed at different segments?
It is not often you see Haskell on this forum. I know this question is going to provoke a religious war (I guess) but is Haskell better than Scheme / Lisp or are they aimed at different segments?

I don't think the LISP and (the few) Haskell acolytes frequent these boards, so we're probably not at risk of an all out holy war over this one =).

I do not know LISP, so I'll just assert that you should choose LISP if you love parentheses, and Haskell otherwise. =)

By the time you have decided on a functional language for a task, you're probably going to get the job done in whichever you choose. LISP is more widely supported, but it only took me a few minutes to get HUGS going on OS X to run Haskell.

You guys kill me... I'd love to see him hand in some Haskell code!

I found a pretty funny post from that google link above:

Ahhh. Now I remember why I quit going to the sun java forums... The usual script is something like this:

Post 1
I am a student/highly paid developer(where? where?)/lowly code monkey somewhere working on an exam/certification/job application and I need the code to support the answer and the answer. Please gurus bail me out!

Post 2
A polite request they post the code they have so far.

Post 3-300+
Slash bash thump bang! Why should I do YOUR work! Plus various ugly comments on the poster's ethic, ethnicity, out sourcing and certification. And replys by all the bashers to eachother (Ok, it's easy to get into bashing, it gets so old after awhile).

post 300x
Nasty reply by original poster saying (s)he didn't need their crappy help anyway and was only trying to prove that (various comments on ethnicity of replies) can't code anyway and see NOBODY POSTED CODEZ so it PROVES they can't code.

post 300x+ - 400
Rants about how the replying poster is not going to be duped into providing code by such a simple ploy.

post 400+
Taunts from the original poster, who has not figured out that they aren't getting code.

post 400++
Reply from the original poster that they HAVE gotten c0d3Z from somebody n u all cn ged to hells. (Bold faced lie, of course)

post 400+++ ad infinitum
Plx email me teh codeZ
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