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macrumors 6502
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I purchased Alice in Wonderland from Itunes. It came with both the HD and SD version. Normally when I purchase HD movies it combines them into a single thumbnail and I pick which version is the default. This movie downloaded with three thumbnails, 1 for SD, 1 for HD, and 1 for ITune extra's. Does anyone know how I can combine them back into a single thumbnail and have the version switch to pick HD or SD?

Thank you
LOL....Im after the opposite.

I ripped a mini series to HD, but my wife wanted to watch them in the bedroom which has an ATV1. So I ripped them again to the ATV1 standard. iTunes dutifully combined them into one listing/dual standard, but do you think the ATV1 plays the right one? Nooooooo......I had to remove them all from iTunes and reload just the SD versions.

Go figure!
iTunes movies normally tie together automatically. One thing you could try is deleting them from iTunes (but keeping the files) the highlighting both the SD and HD movie files and dragging both of them to iTunes libraries in the top left. Adding them together sometimes 'jogs' itunes into tying them together as one SD/HD clip.

You can do this with your own encoded movie with a program called subler that let's you add your own meta tags. Make sure one of the fields you add is CNID (this is firm memory but I think that's it) and add an 8 to 10 digit code 1234567891 for example. Add this to both SD and HD files (also in the subler menus tick the HD box for the HD file.

Then when you add them both to iTunes the same CNID number will reel iTunes that they are the same movie. And be labelled SD/HD as tho bought from iTunes. Then you can set your apple tv / iPad whatever to use the HD or SD versions as you like. No more double ripping :)
I've tried this before. But, ran into issues. I had 2 videos, one converted for an iPod touch the other for my AppleTV(1st gen)/iPhone4. Both play and transfer just fine when by themselves. But, when I use Subler to set the contentID to match I can not play it on the AppleTV. The iPod transfers and plays fine, but nothing plays on the AppleTV.
LOL....Im after the opposite.

I ripped a mini series to HD, but my wife wanted to watch them in the bedroom which has an ATV1. So I ripped them again to the ATV1 standard. iTunes dutifully combined them into one listing/dual standard, but do you think the ATV1 plays the right one? Nooooooo......I had to remove them all from iTunes and reload just the SD versions.

Go figure!

I'm curious as to why you needed to re-code the shows to SD for an ATV1. It can handle the same resolution as the ATV2, only with a lower maximum framerate and less tolerance for high bitrates. I have encoded many HD TV shows at 720p for my ATV1s, and they all look fantastic.
I've tried this before. But, ran into issues. I had 2 videos, one converted for an iPod touch the other for my AppleTV(1st gen)/iPhone4. Both play and transfer just fine when by themselves. But, when I use Subler to set the contentID to match I can not play it on the AppleTV. The iPod transfers and plays fine, but nothing plays on the AppleTV.

I am assuming here that your source file was HD, so you need a 720p version for your ATV, and lower resolutions for your handheld devices. In Subler, you have to make sure that the "HD" check box selected on the higher resolution version, and not on the lower res version.

But...I think that you may be mixing versions here. You should be using the same (lower res) version for your iPod Touch and your iPhone, and a 720p version for your ATV. If your iPod and iPhone are of the same generation, they have a 960 x 640 screen but, even if your Touch is older (480 lines only), it should still play a file coded for the iPhone 4's retina display. It would play a 720p file too - but the point of the twin versions is to save memory space, not to feed the device a file in its exact resolution.

AFAIK, only the iPad allows you to choose which version of an HD-SD set it gets. All other devices are fed by iTunes automatically: the HD to ATV and the SD to all handheld devices. You appear to be trying for force something different onto iTunes, hence your troubles.
I am assuming here that your source file was HD, so you need a 720p version for your ATV, and lower resolutions for your handheld devices. In Subler, you have to make sure that the "HD" check box selected on the higher resolution version, and not on the lower res version.

But...I think that you may be mixing versions here. You should be using the same (lower res) version for your iPod Touch and your iPhone, and a 720p version for your ATV. If your iPod and iPhone are of the same generation, they have a 960 x 640 screen but, even if your Touch is older (480 lines only), it should still play a file coded for the iPhone 4's retina display. It would play a 720p file too - but the point of the twin versions is to save memory space, not to feed the device a file in its exact resolution.

The source files generally vary. Just depends on which camera or disc I get it from...

I think whats throwing it all off is, the iPod Touch is a first generation. The AppleTV1 and iPhone 4 can all play files converted for the touch. But the touch can not play files converted for the AppleTV/iPhone4. Converted using the AppleTV preset in HandBrake (0.9.5)

When I convert a file with handbrake that I want playable on both a 1st gen iPod Touch and AppleTV1, which presets would be best to use? Or, from what your saying should the iPod touch be able to play the same converted files?
I'm curious as to why you needed to re-code the shows to SD for an ATV1. It can handle the same resolution as the ATV2, only with a lower maximum framerate and less tolerance for high bitrates. I have encoded many HD TV shows at 720p for my ATV1s, and they all look fantastic.

I use HB and though I to know that the ATV1 can handle the 720p, I also want to get the best from my rips. So yes, I also assumed that the difference was in the frame rate plus all that other wonderful stuff the people from HB make as a setting for the ATV2. I dont even pretend to understand half of it.

But when I swap selections from ATV1 to ATV2, they also give me differing resolutions. Why? Absolutely no idea. But thats ok, as I bring in more and more content ripped for the ATV2 capabilities, my argument for upgrading the remaining ATV1s (plus our bedroom TV cause it doesn't have HDMI) gets all that much stronger.

My problem was that I had the HD/SD symbol correctly happening in iTunes, but the ATV1 wouldn't grab the SD version, causing me to to a wall reset of the unit.

And did I ever solve this? Yes..... removed all from iTunes, then reloaded the SD version only.
I use HB and though I to know that the ATV1 can handle the 720p, I also want to get the best from my rips. So yes, I also assumed that the difference was in the frame rate plus all that other wonderful stuff the people from HB make as a setting for the ATV2. I dont even pretend to understand half of it.

But when I swap selections from ATV1 to ATV2, they also give me differing resolutions. Why? Absolutely no idea. But thats ok, as I bring in more and more content ripped for the ATV2 capabilities, my argument for upgrading the remaining ATV1s (plus our bedroom TV cause it doesn't have HDMI) gets all that much stronger.

My problem was that I had the HD/SD symbol correctly happening in iTunes, but the ATV1 wouldn't grab the SD version, causing me to to a wall reset of the unit.

And did I ever solve this? Yes..... removed all from iTunes, then reloaded the SD version only.

The :apple:TV1 won't grab the SD version because it's recognizing the resolution set in the :apple:TV2 preset as compatible--it's some of the other elements of the preset that prevent it from being played on the :apple:TV1 but the device cannot differentiate those.

I have both versions of the :apple:TV and for me personally, the difference between encodes using the :apple:TV1 and :apple:TV2 presets is negligible, if noticeable at all so I just encode everything using the :apple:TV1 preset with the resolution manually bumped up to 720p. That way, if I have to make an SD version compatible with my kids iPod Touches (2nd gen), it gets bundled up under a single thumbnail and there's not need to breakout all of these versions so that the right devices picks up the right version.

Just my $0.02.
I have both versions of the :apple:TV and for me personally, the difference between encodes using the :apple:TV1 and :apple:TV2 presets is negligible, if noticeable at all so I just encode everything using the :apple:TV1 preset with the resolution manually bumped up to 720p. That way, if I have to make an SD version compatible with my kids iPod Touches (2nd gen), it gets bundled up under a single thumbnail and there's not need to breakout all of these versions so that the right devices picks up the right version.

Just my $0.02.

What steps do you do when you do your conversions? I'm still having issues with getting the AppleTV1 and iPod Touch (1st gen) to work properly. I convert each movie with the preset for it, Sometimes use MetaX, then use Subler to set the HD and contentID the same on both. iTunes imports both of them together as 1 icon with the SD/HD tag, the Touch will sync the proper version, but when I try to play it on the AppleTV1 it just times out (forget what exactly it says)
What steps do you do when you do your conversions? I'm still having issues with getting the AppleTV1 and iPod Touch (1st gen) to work properly. I convert each movie with the preset for it, Sometimes use MetaX, then use Subler to set the HD and contentID the same on both. iTunes imports both of them together as 1 icon with the SD/HD tag, the Touch will sync the proper version, but when I try to play it on the AppleTV1 it just times out (forget what exactly it says)

Sounds like your process is pretty much identical to mine so not sure what problem could be. One possibility--you said you set the HD and contentID the same for both---you only want to set the high resolution encode for HD while leaving the iPod version at SD (HD both not checked in Subler). To be honest, I believe the Apple TV recognizes resolution and denotes it as HD independent of the HD tag in iTunes so now that I think about it, this probably isn't the cause.

As long as you're not changing any of the Apple TV preset settings, I unfortunately don't have any other idea why this might be happening. Just to be sure, you aren't using the Apple TV 2 preset are you?
One possibility--you said you set the HD and contentID the same for both---you only want to set the high resolution encode for HD while leaving the iPod version at SD (HD both not checked in Subler).

You are correct, I miss typed it. I only check the HD on the AppleTV one. I'm going to try it again tomorrow with a fresh movie. I'll track my steps and post it up.

Thanks again for your help.
I make a fresh dvd rip, this one worked. This time it worked. I'm not sure what was different...

I did notice that this movie was converted at 834x352 (it worked properly), another video (download) was at 720x304 (did not work). And both iPod versions are at 480x208. I wonder if the resolution has more to do with it when the HD box is checked?

Oh, well it's not a major deal. We plan on getting our daughter a iPod Touch 4 soon. So that will eliminate the problem all together.
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