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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 10, 2017
Hello, a while back I won a couple auctions on Ebay. For around £20 total I managed to get three iBook G3s, one iBook G4 and a broken charger (auction was for spares/repairs) . Because of the broken charger I haven't got around to testing them until just this morning when one arrived.

None of these machines seem to get any sort of display so I'll be as detailed as possible:

iBook G3 800MHZ/256MB/30GB/COMBO, Airport card seems to be installed
Startup jingle, CapsLock and NumLock keys display a light when pressed, fans spin

iBook G4 1.33GHZ/256/60G/SuDr/APX
Startup jingle, CapsLock and NumLock keys display a light when pressed, fans spin

iBook G3 700MHZ/256MB/30GB/COMBO
Startup jingle, CapsLock key displays a light when pressed, NumLock doesn't seem to work, can't hear fans spinning but definitely still on

iBook G3 900MHZ/256MB/40GB/COMBO, Airport card seems to be installed
Startup jingle, CapsLock and NumLock keys display a light when pressed, fans spin

Asking here because I only have a PowerMac G5 which works, never tried iBooks before.

Any tips/tricks that might help/further information? Any immediate ideas or causes?

If all of them just have faulty displays then I'm probably bummed

EDIT: Should note all machines are 14"
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macrumors 603
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
I would say it's almost 100% likely the screens are bad - hence them being sold as a bundle.

However, my iBook very occasionally boots to a black screen and one of these two resets it:

Reset the PRAM by holding down the Command(Apple), Option(Alt), P and R keys after switching on, wait for three chimes before letting go.

Remove battery (and power cable if attached) and hold the power key down for ten seconds.


macrumors 68000
Mar 24, 2010
This is going to sound silly, but I've had this happen with a few different iBooks and PowerBooks, so it's worth a try.

Once it makes the startup chime, try pressing the brightness up button a few times. Somehow sometimes a few of my iBooks and PowerBooks get dimmed all the way down after restarting, and need to have the brightness turned on manually.

PRAM reset is also a good idea, but I wanted to mention my experiences with this to give another idea. :D
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