I'm looking to drop cable TV, but I can't quite figure out how to get all my current content. I'm thinking I'll get a Mac Mini and hook it up to the TV and use Netflix and Hulu for most shows and movies, but I'll be missing a couple things...
1) Live sports. Specifically, I want to keep access to NFL games. Will eyeTV be the solution? This will work when the games are on local channels, but what about ESPN? Is there a way to watch it without cable? College basketball would be nice, too.
2) My wife won't let me drop cable until I make sure she can watch Oprah. Again, I think eyeTV with an antenna will pick up the signal over the air and allow me to record it. Is this right? I have to be able to record it for her.
If there are any other services I should know about or hardware/software I should use, I'm interested to hear about it. Thanks.
I'm in a very similar boat and am almost ready to pull the trigger on a new mini. My wife and I wach very little television save a few specific items, including college football, college basketball, NFL, Cubs, The Office, 30 Rock, Modern Family, and random crap on Discovery/HGTV/History/National Geographic/Bravo.
I have an extensive movie and tv show collection in my iTunes library fully tagged. We currently watch this via an AppleTV and iPhone for non-HD tv shows. I recently bought an HDHomeRun and great fantastic reception for all the local channels in Chicago (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, WGN, PBS, and a few others). At first streaming was awful, but then I realized my laptop was not connecting to the 5GHz band automatically. After setting up a separate SSID for 5GHz, it connected right away and streaming works great now. Not sure if that is an issue with Time Capsule or not.
I have been testing Plex on my laptop and it seems replacements exist for nearly everything we watch. OTA ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX will cover everything but the cable channels. There are Plex plugins for ESPN3, Hulu, HGTV and NG which seems to give us enough of those shows. The quality of OTA HD is much better than what I am currently getting from Comcast or from iTunes downloads. The streaming quality isn't fantastic, but not terrible depending on what we're watching.
The three big questions left for me are :
1) How to watch tv shows from my iTunes library in Plex. Movies integrated easily into the Plex library, but my tv shows are not named in the prefered format (S01E01). There is a big update coming for Plex and I hope it include reading file metadata instead of just scraping data from the file name.
2) How to streamline OTA streams from the HDHomeRun. There is an HDHomeRun plugin that works very well to open individual channel streams and lets you pause, but it does not incorporate a program guide or recording. The other option is buying EyeTV and launching it from the Applications Menu in Plex. This should close Plex, open EyeTV in fullscreen mode and then reopen Plex after you close EyeTV. They don't offer a demo, so I'm not entirely sure how smooth that transition is.
3) How to get HD movie rentals. iTunes HD rentals are apparently not offered for the mini, and iTunes DRM'd video will not play through Plex anyways. I have heard about an Amazon plugin and there is the option of subscribing to Netflix, but the quality of streaming HD content really doesn't sound great to me. I can obviously download HD movies (at a higher quality) from other sources, but would be happy to rent legally if possible.