Dear all. I have bought in Germany an imac 27" and after using it for a month I realized that it had scratched all my DVD and CD that I have put in it. I had always a message "Skipping over the damaged area". After putting in it also very new DVDs I thought something MUST be wrong here. I turned my brand new DVD and saw the other side of it. Many many scratches like a cat's paw.
For more over than two months I didn t have my computer home. I went three times at Gravis (the authorized store of Apple in Berlin) and brought my computer there. My computer was not repaired. Moreover the people that used to look on my imac didn' t pay attention at all and believe me. They were saying that the fault is mine and I have to put a CD correctly. So arrogant!
Than I brought my imac to Mediamarkt, where I also bought it. They began to communicate with apple central store in Frankurt. my computer was sent to a service. Apple store in frankurt itself took about one month to answer the letters from Mediamarkt. Once they wrote that "we have no opinion about this problem". But it appeared that this new imac is problematic from the fabric. There are many computers like mine. So always control them very carefully!!!
Now a new computer is comming from Shanghai as a replacement for the older one.
But I have a problem. I want to claim for damages for the DVDs, for the time I didn' t have my computer home (for more than 2 months), for the calls (i have been hanging on the phone so much, and so on and so on... Apple doesn't want to give money but some paper with the right to buy other apple products on line. But I don' t want and don't need other products.
To take a lawyer now is not worth it. I had to be insured (law insurance) three months before the problem appeared. If I take one now it would cost very much! And I dont know if I win with such a consortium like Apple.
Where can I write and complain? Do you have any e-mails addresses from Apple Store in America? What do you suggest? Please help me.
Please HELP!!!
For more over than two months I didn t have my computer home. I went three times at Gravis (the authorized store of Apple in Berlin) and brought my computer there. My computer was not repaired. Moreover the people that used to look on my imac didn' t pay attention at all and believe me. They were saying that the fault is mine and I have to put a CD correctly. So arrogant!
Than I brought my imac to Mediamarkt, where I also bought it. They began to communicate with apple central store in Frankurt. my computer was sent to a service. Apple store in frankurt itself took about one month to answer the letters from Mediamarkt. Once they wrote that "we have no opinion about this problem". But it appeared that this new imac is problematic from the fabric. There are many computers like mine. So always control them very carefully!!!
Now a new computer is comming from Shanghai as a replacement for the older one.
But I have a problem. I want to claim for damages for the DVDs, for the time I didn' t have my computer home (for more than 2 months), for the calls (i have been hanging on the phone so much, and so on and so on... Apple doesn't want to give money but some paper with the right to buy other apple products on line. But I don' t want and don't need other products.
To take a lawyer now is not worth it. I had to be insured (law insurance) three months before the problem appeared. If I take one now it would cost very much! And I dont know if I win with such a consortium like Apple.
Where can I write and complain? Do you have any e-mails addresses from Apple Store in America? What do you suggest? Please help me.
Please HELP!!!