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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 28, 2019
Hello Guys

I Need Help

I want to Install Big Sur on my MacBook Pro mi 2012 without Opencore Legacy Patcher process
(I have tested OCLP 052 It works but I have graphic Issues For REKORD BOX in video mode with space bar Under Big Sur & Monterey & Ventura) I don't have it under native Catalina

So I wanna install Big Sur because it's the only latest Os X for my Macbook pro the graphics Drivers for My GT 650 M & my Intel HD graphics 4000 doesn't need to be patched the drivers are still in the OS Big Sur.

and SIP stay Enabled (when you patched video drivers you must stay sip off and if you turn on when you have patched your graphic cards the system doesn't work anymore)

Does Someone have the minimum EFI Folder that could work just to be able to use BIG SUR on my MacBook Pro mi 2012 15 inch 16 go Ram 2 SSD !!!

Thanks In advance
I have hardware similar to yours, Air 2012, and I'm using macOS Big Sur 11.7.1 with OCLP 0.5.2
I have SIP enabled

Get it to test out Rekordbox

Working here.
No problems
For Big Sur there s no need to patch kext for graphic card so you can still use with sip on while we can’t under monterey and Ventura but my question is do you have troubles when you read video in rekord box and pressing space bar to change windows menu in rekord box I have with opencore not with Catalina and I need to upgrade to big sur thanks
revert to OLCP 0.4.11 - you do not need the latest version for Big Sur.
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