Hello. So I was working on a project for a class this semester. It is called VOX and it is a literary magazine. My original plan was to do a great design and get it printed nicely.
That was shot down by the folks in charge. Which meant we were stuck with printing on Campus printers.
We have quite a few submissions, so we are good there. Only problem is I am the only one in the group of 5 with any design sensibility. Originally I was going to put it together with InDesign, but honestly I have no clue how to use it right now.
So, what do you think the quickest way to put this together would be. Like, I would need to do it Thursday... I have all day. I am good with Photoshop and Illustrator, so I am not a complete newbie to Adobe. I cracked open InDesign the other day and was at a loss though.
Do you think I would be able to grasp enough of InDesign by then? I am really at a loss. This course was only one credit hour, yet it sucks up the time of 8 credit hours. Which I think is ridiculous. Plus we only meet once a week... For some perspective they are making it a 3 hour course next semester because of this.
As far as content I have text and some pictures. Mostly text.
Some font recommendations would be great as well. I really like Helvetica Neau but I think it might be too skinny... Thanks everyone.
That was shot down by the folks in charge. Which meant we were stuck with printing on Campus printers.
We have quite a few submissions, so we are good there. Only problem is I am the only one in the group of 5 with any design sensibility. Originally I was going to put it together with InDesign, but honestly I have no clue how to use it right now.
So, what do you think the quickest way to put this together would be. Like, I would need to do it Thursday... I have all day. I am good with Photoshop and Illustrator, so I am not a complete newbie to Adobe. I cracked open InDesign the other day and was at a loss though.
Do you think I would be able to grasp enough of InDesign by then? I am really at a loss. This course was only one credit hour, yet it sucks up the time of 8 credit hours. Which I think is ridiculous. Plus we only meet once a week... For some perspective they are making it a 3 hour course next semester because of this.
As far as content I have text and some pictures. Mostly text.
Some font recommendations would be great as well. I really like Helvetica Neau but I think it might be too skinny... Thanks everyone.