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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 17, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Hey guys,
I just bought a wrt54g and I can't get it to work properly.
I need some major help!

I have a macbook which I want to be able to access the net.

Firstly, I plugged in the wrt54g, powered it on and connected an ethernet cable from my cable modem to the router. My macbook could then 'see' the network but when I connected to it the net doesn't work.

To access the admin settings for the wrt54g I know you type in into safari. It works and I am able to change settings however I don't know what settings to change.

Theres a button 'one touch setup button' on the front of the wrt54g but I'm not sure what it does.

I think I need a step by step install guide or something.

I'd appreciate all help!
nasty case of RTFM


here's something you could try:
1) switch everything off
2) switch on the modem
3) switch on the Linksys WRTG
4) connect the computer to an ethernet port on the Linksys
5) use said computer to setup the WAN configuration

This is the critical step and perhaps will be best guided by your internet provider helpdesk. You have to set up the router to make a PPPoE connection or whatever your ISP uses. If you had that internet connection set up before you got the router, then it's a matter of replicating what was working before, but on the router configuration.

6) ensure that computer can access internet while connected to the router through ethernet cable
7) try wireless access again

hope this helps

I'm curious: were things working by the time you got to 3) or only when you got to 7) ? :)
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