Alright I have been really busy and was not able to keep up with the latest firmware updates. I have been searching everywhere and I was unable to find any solid info and I do not want to brick my iPhone. There is just so much material out there. PLEASE HELP!
Currently: I have a 1.1.2 OTB which then I upgraded it to 1.1.4 and unlocked it with ziphone.
I am on T-Mobile and I still want to use it for T-Mobile obviously
My phone has. 1.1.4 Modem Firmware: 04.04.05_G
I am using windows xp
If someone can PLEASE HELP ME TO UPGRADE IT TO 2.2 that would be nice if it is possible, I know it just came out. I just need a tutorial to get me through this.
Thank You!
Currently: I have a 1.1.2 OTB which then I upgraded it to 1.1.4 and unlocked it with ziphone.
I am on T-Mobile and I still want to use it for T-Mobile obviously
My phone has. 1.1.4 Modem Firmware: 04.04.05_G
I am using windows xp
If someone can PLEASE HELP ME TO UPGRADE IT TO 2.2 that would be nice if it is possible, I know it just came out. I just need a tutorial to get me through this.
Thank You!