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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 7, 2018
So here's the situation I am in. I am trying to use my AirPort express in my university dorm room but the main network uses 802.11x authentication method that the AirPort Express does not support. To fix this, my university offers a second Wi-Fi network where each device gets a unique password. I have my AirPort express connected to that separate network but I am unable to use AirPlay 2 streaming. Is there a fix for this or will this not work in my environment. I am also trying to use it to repeat the Wi-Fi signal but I don't want to to have the same SSID as the main network. But upon further examination, I do not see an option to let it repeat the main Wi-Fi network but with a different SSID and password. Is there a fix for this or will it just not work in my environment? Also, I have tried to access the internet through the airport express connected to the university Wi-Fi over Wi-Fi but it appears to not be working through the ethernet port.


macrumors 68000
Mar 24, 2010
In order to do what you're attempting you'll likely have to plug the AirPort Express into ethernet from the dorm, and then set it up to create a new network. Then, you can join your devices to it, and AirPlay to it. I had to do a similar thing when I was in college because of the weird wifi restrictions they had at my school too. As long as you can create your own network, you can do all of that, assuming you connect to it each time you are at your dorm. Good luck!
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