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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 29, 2015
Im in the peculiar position of needing to replace at 2010 iMac at home as well as an aging MacBookAir at work. My primary work desk computer is a 5k 27 inch iMac that has left me spoiled for such a sharp large display, especially due to my poor vision and need to wear task glasses while at the computer.

I'm seriously considering either the top end 13" or one of the 15" 2018 MBP models and pairing that with an external monitor. Unfortunately, I don't have the $ to buy one of the 5k displays, so I am wondering how happy folks are with the 3840 x 2160 options. If you are using one of these, how much do you like it compared to the Apple retina displays? I do a lot of reading and editing, so text quality matters most to me.

How well does the top 13" MBP drive a 4k 27 inch monitor, or should I consider the 15" with the dedicated video card options?

Thanks much for any advice and opinions.
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