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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 3, 2006
I use my Keyboard and mouse on my couch and view my computer on a very large screen in my living room. So, I was perfectly happy with my new wireless set for my new Mac Pro, the Logitech S 530 Laser. A problem arose however, when the mouse and my couch got into a bit of a dispute and decided not to work well together. Whenever I use the mouse on my couch, the pointer randomly floats off in several directions every few seconds. I have been using the Logitech MX1000 for my PC on the same couch and it is wonderful. The problem is I can't get the same mouse/keyboard set for my Mac because Logitech does not support the keyboard with OSX.

I need to pick out a good (preferably great) wireless keyboard and mouse set for my Mac Pro (price is no object so long as it is reasonable.) Things I really want it to have are a Laser mouse and a keyboard with a Mac button layout (command and option keys.) Also, my Mac Pro does not have bluetooth. I wanted it, but I didn't want to have to extend its ship date.

If anyone can give me a viable option I would be very grateful. Thanks.
Microsoft makes great keyboards and mice. I have a wireless desktop of theirs and I wouldn't trade it for anything. It uses USB and Microsoft's wireless receiver.

Only two things that you might not like...the mouse is optical and the keyboard has the Windows keys printed, but in the preferences you can make it so they function like Mac keys. Plus it has plenty of hot keys for internet and zooming, etc.
I absolutely LOVE MS keyboards, and thier mice are fantastic as well. I've gotta have a Laser though, and since I'm new to Mac I would really like to have those Apple keys to help me learn all the keyboard shortcuts. Logitech makes some great stuff, I wish they offered more to Mac users than this one set.

Is there just a really good wireless keyboard I can use with a non-blutooth enabled Mac, that also has the Mac keys? If so, I could probably just buy another Logiteh MX1000 mouse and use it with that.
Let me just make this a simpler request so that hopefully I'll get more replys. What would you consider to be the best wireless Mac keyboard that does not require a bluetooth enabled Mac and has Mac buttons? (option/command keys)
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