I am having a horrible time with this iPhone I bought off of eBay a year ago or so. It was working fine (charging, syncing, updating, etc.) until a couple of months ago, when one day it stopped charging. I tried several different charging cables power blocks and both of my computers with no avail. I only had 30% left so i decided to let it go for the night plugged in to see if it would charge. Nothing worked, I was only able to get the low battery symble with the symble to plug it in. I orderd a new charging/docking port and had it replaced. I started to but my screwdriver broke and was unable to complete the job, so I had someone else to work on it. Of coarse I lost most of the screws in the process of attempting to work on it on my own, so I ordered replacement screws. Needless to say I had it put back together and it still didn't work. I received the same message to charge it. I thought that maybe the battery was unable to charge anymore I ordered a replacement battery and installed that one. Still the same thing. While working on it I also had to replace two of the small cables connecting to various parts of the main board. Still nothing though now it doesn't even display that it needs to be charged. everything is replaced for the most part. I havent't replaced all of the metal shields yet as i am trying to get it working. I am stumpted and need help. I had to go out and get the iPhone 5c because they didn't have any 5's left at the store and it has far less storage space (8 gigs compared to my old one having 32 gigs). I really want to get my old one back. Sorry for the length of this post, I just wanted to make it thorough. Tia!