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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 23, 2018
Brockville, OH
I recently purchased a GTX 285 flashed with the mac EFI as an upgrade to the 5770 in my 2008 Mac Pro running OS X 10.11.6, the dilemma is the GTX 285 only supports Legacy OpenGL (2.1 and earlier) while the 5770 supports OpenGL 3.2 This isn't a problem as I can just run both at the same time (adapting molex for the extra power connector), but the only way I can find to switch which GPU OS X uses is to pull the computer out from under the desk and switch the DVI cable from one card to the other.

My question is: Does anyone know of a utility that will let me change which GPU OS X uses without switching the cable or if this is even possible? I've found several GPU switching programs for the MacBook Pros, but not for the Mac Pro. I've tried the latest version of gfxswitcher but it only gives me an error about my computer not being supported.

Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated :)
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