Hi guys!
I am in need of an external hard drive. Reliability is the most important thing here. I was hoping to stay under $200.
So, here's the story. I had a 300GB Fantom Drive which I bought from NewEgg. Thing worked great for the 3 weeks I've owned it. Then, just this past Friday, I backed up my entire Home folder (1300 photos, 300 songs, 50 serial numbers, 3 term papers, etc.) and the HD just fried. It's dead. The hard drive won't turn on and I can't here it spin anymore. So, after I got over my devestation and my newfound determination to backup once a month onto CDs or DVDs only (no more HDs for back up), I have decided that once I return the thing and get my money back, I will need another external hard drive. Not for back up but for extended space. I really do need more than 40GB on my iBook.
So, do any of you know of some external HDs that are RELIABLE and can be purchased for under $200? Thanks a bunch!
Also, I was hoping to get at least 160GB.
I am in need of an external hard drive. Reliability is the most important thing here. I was hoping to stay under $200.
So, here's the story. I had a 300GB Fantom Drive which I bought from NewEgg. Thing worked great for the 3 weeks I've owned it. Then, just this past Friday, I backed up my entire Home folder (1300 photos, 300 songs, 50 serial numbers, 3 term papers, etc.) and the HD just fried. It's dead. The hard drive won't turn on and I can't here it spin anymore. So, after I got over my devestation and my newfound determination to backup once a month onto CDs or DVDs only (no more HDs for back up), I have decided that once I return the thing and get my money back, I will need another external hard drive. Not for back up but for extended space. I really do need more than 40GB on my iBook.
So, do any of you know of some external HDs that are RELIABLE and can be purchased for under $200? Thanks a bunch!