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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jun 27, 2006
Seattle, WA
I am showing my portfolio to a college in 2 days and I would like some opinions on what pictures to put into it. I uploaded 9 of the pictures that I'm considering to my Flickr account here. I have to narrow that down to 7 pictures, so I would like some opinions on the pictures and some advice on which to put into my portfolio. Thanks in advance!


macrumors 604
Original poster
Jun 27, 2006
Seattle, WA
I also have some drawings in my portfolio. The college said that they wanted about 12 total in the portfolio, so I have 5 drawings and I'm going to put in 7 pictures. And this is for an Art school, photography is one of their offerings.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 24, 2006
Sorry, but these aren't images I would show in a portfolio. Almost all of them look like you took them in/just outside your house.


macrumors G3
Oct 1, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
Sorry, but these aren't images I would show in a portfolio. Almost all of them look like you took them in/just outside your house.
I hate to say it but I agree. The checkers is a great concept but the lighting isn't good, the ducks are too dark, etc. Some advice: DO NOT use the camera's flash without diffusing it first. The pictures are framed well it's just the execution that needs work.


macrumors 68020
Jun 29, 2004
I hate to say it but I agree. The checkers is a great concept but the lighting isn't good, the ducks are too dark, etc. Some advice: DO NOT use the camera's flash without diffusing it first. The pictures are framed well it's just the execution that needs work.

I hate to agree, but... i agree. A portfolio should have a feel, and while this one does, it doesn't seem to be anything more than "stuff around where i live". It gives the impression that you walked around one afternoon and just took snapshots of things you saw. Not to say these aren't good pictures, but I would certainly consider spending an entire day/week just shooting for this portfolio.

One of the biggest questions you should ask yourself is "Why am I taking this photo?" You should always have something to communicate, a motivation to express an idea visually.


macrumors regular
Aug 8, 2007
Red Hook, NY
Crane. Others are haphazard.

I think the crane is most interesting, by far. Although I would like to see something on the bottom edge of the image, such as the ground or whatever the crane is lifting.

My apologies if this sounds harsh, but the other images seem like snapshots, without a lot of premeditation. I'd suggest browsing the popular galleries at a site like, think about what makes some images grab you and others not, and then go out and shoot some more.

Good luck with the application, and post some more here.

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