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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 13, 2008

I need people to test my new update of PSN Friends. I'm currently working on v2.0. In the reviews i get a lot of people who can't login and i really want to solve this.
The current version:

I would really appreciate it if some people would test v2.0
Send me your UDID to

You need to have a Playstation Network account of course to be able to login.


nobody want to help me?

Here's a screen of v2.0
Not that I don't trust you just curious... is there anything bad someone can do with a UDID?

What would you need for me to test the app just the iPhone UDID? I'd be willing to help out seeing that I've been looking for a clean and reliable PSN app. As long as it is safe to that is :D
Good question.
I have no idea what kind of other bad things you can do with it.
Maybe someone else knows??

The only thing I know is that it is a unique number for a iOS device that apple uses to validate the app on. So if the UDID isn't the same as what the app needs you can't run the app. The same thing for beta versions of iOS.

Even Google had nothing useful.
I was curious about this but it seems like alot of folks on the app store are having their account hack after using this app. Just FYi.
Didn't even think about reading the app reviews good looking out boon. I'm gonna pass on this one not worth the risk.
Thanks for taking the time. But I'm not harvesting any passwords or something else.
I don't know how people came up with that.

I would love to get this whole hacking thing out of the way.
I put a lot of spare time in PSN Friends. I'm not risking that with trying to get some accounts out of it.

Would love to prove you guys that the app is clean but don't know how. does anybody know how I can prove it?
Does Apple not check this?

Greets Dick
I can't seem to get it installed. I dragged and dropped the folder and the provisioning file into itunes and sync. If i go to the apps tab in itunes PSN Friends is unchecked.

If i check it and sync again, it unchecks itself after the sync.

Any ideas?
Look in Settings->General->Profiles
Ad Hoc PSN Friends is in there right?

Yep, that's in there. I upgraded to iTunes 10.0.1 and tried it again, still nothing. I'm running 4.0.1.

Not sure if it matters but the app in itunes shows no icon.
Ah there it is.
It's made for 4.1 sorry.

It's normal that you don't see the app icon in iTunes.
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