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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 15, 2004
Sorry my very 1st post and im not using a mac yet...

I need programs similar or better to fully switch to mac and i heard VPC is crap.
Here two programs im running.

Borland C++
Textpad for my java programming.

Thanks in advance ppl...
macnemo said:
Sorry my very 1st post and im not using a mac yet...

I need programs similar or better to fully switch to mac and i heard VPC is crap.
Here two programs im running.

Borland C++
Textpad for my java programming.

Thanks in advance ppl...


register for the free membership for adc then you can download xcode.
i dont quite understand so xcode is all i need for both or wat?
So and thanks again.

jedit is great for java programming, is pretty light weight, does text highlighting, is cross platform and is extensible.
For java, I would recommend Netbeans. Its a great IDE. Pre-installs ant and tomcat,SAX and DOM APIs. Also has plugins for J2ME. So its a complete package for anything related to Java.

macnemo said:
i dont quite understand so xcode is all i need for both or wat?
So and thanks again.

Maybe. It depends on what you're doing with Borland C++. If you're using it to develop Windows software (and using Borland libraries), you probably don't want to try that with Xcode.

If, on the other hand, you're just looking for C++ and Java development tools then OS X has plenty. Like someone else posted, is a good place to start.
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