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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 6, 2014
I'm currently on an iPhone 5 and was using RSS Runner. RSS Runner works fine but it's not a universal app (iPad/iPhone) and it looks weird in my iPad 4. I started using Flipboard but missed some features that I consider vital.

So, I'm looking for a new RSS reader with the following features:
  • Allows the user to manually input a feed URL
  • Displays just a list of feeds with each feed displaying just a list of articles
  • Able to hide read article and refresh for new articles
  • Doesn't waste space with pictures (I could live with this if all other features were present)
  • Universal app (iPad/iPhone)
  • Doesn't require any type of account (feedly, theoldreader, etc.)
  • Paid or free, doesn't matter, I happily pay for quality apps

I'd like to open the app and there's my list of feeds (RSS Runner does this quite well). I could fit a list of 20 or more feeds in the same space that Flipboard uses to show only 6 feeds (pictures take up too much space). Flipboard is nice but I can't find a way to hide articles that I have already read. One thing I dislike about Flipboard is that it wastes screen real estate with pictures. Flipboard would be perfect if I could figure out how to hide the front page, pictures and articles that I have already seen. I tried Newsvibes but it's horrible.. and it can't even find a feed for MacTrast.

What are your thoughts?
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Thus far I have found Newsify to meet all but one of my needs. The one need it doesn't meet is also the one that I was willing to overlook:

  • Doesn't waste space with pictures (I could live with this if all other features were present)

But, this app helps with that because it allows you to hide thumbnails. This looks like my new RSS reader unless someone can suggest something better. But, for now I am a happy camper!
You can use Reeder 2 manually, I just checked. You can change image caching settings too. Not sure if it turns it off, but it has options to only cache unread/starred/wifi synced articles.
You can use Reeder 2 manually, I just checked. You can change image caching settings too. Not sure if it turns it off, but it has options to only cache unread/starred/wifi synced articles.

Hmm.. just had a look at Reeder 2 in the App Store. It looks quite nice, I'll check it out. Thank you very much :)
You can use Reeder 2 manually, I just checked. You can change image caching settings too. Not sure if it turns it off, but it has options to only cache unread/starred/wifi synced articles.

Hmm.. just had a look at Reeder 2 in the App Store. It looks quite nice, I'll check it out. Thank you very much :)

I bought Reeder 2 over all the hype it received when iOS 7 arrived and was disappointed. The app doesn't do anything. You need RSS services to use with the app or, as mentioned, you can manually add a feed. But guess what? It doesn't sync across your devices.

Also: no push notifications. I was hoping I could get notifications for certain feeds. Doesn't work that way, though.
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