Hey guys,
So i've spent the last few years using a 15" MBP for the majority of my on the road editing and tethered to an external screen at home for the big stuff. It's showing it's age now and i'm also getting to the point of being sick of carrying a 15" laptop around with 3 bodies/6 lenses, it adds up to quite a weight.
Realistically on the road i don't do any extensive or processor heavy editing. It amounts to uploading cards into lightroom, doing a first round of picks and discarding the crap and working on crops. All the colour/exposure work is done back on the calibrated screen at home. I occasionally make on the spot slideshows to show clients but its rare...
I cannot for the life of me decide if i want the power and screen of a 13" rMBP or whether i should just go with the 13" MBA for it's portability...?
Will the 13" Air meet me needs running a large lightroom catalogue from an external drive at home? Will it be ok at doing quick lightroom previews when i'm away? Everything in me says go for the rMBP but i hear things about it's ability to show adobe programs in retina mode a problem and the fact of the matter is i fly a HELL of a lot. So lightness and portability is a big thing for me. (In May it's involved travel from London to... Nairobi, Miami, Singapore, Sydney and there is still room to go to Cape Town before June begins)
Advice and help from anyone is appreciated.... Thank you!!
So i've spent the last few years using a 15" MBP for the majority of my on the road editing and tethered to an external screen at home for the big stuff. It's showing it's age now and i'm also getting to the point of being sick of carrying a 15" laptop around with 3 bodies/6 lenses, it adds up to quite a weight.
Realistically on the road i don't do any extensive or processor heavy editing. It amounts to uploading cards into lightroom, doing a first round of picks and discarding the crap and working on crops. All the colour/exposure work is done back on the calibrated screen at home. I occasionally make on the spot slideshows to show clients but its rare...
I cannot for the life of me decide if i want the power and screen of a 13" rMBP or whether i should just go with the 13" MBA for it's portability...?
Will the 13" Air meet me needs running a large lightroom catalogue from an external drive at home? Will it be ok at doing quick lightroom previews when i'm away? Everything in me says go for the rMBP but i hear things about it's ability to show adobe programs in retina mode a problem and the fact of the matter is i fly a HELL of a lot. So lightness and portability is a big thing for me. (In May it's involved travel from London to... Nairobi, Miami, Singapore, Sydney and there is still room to go to Cape Town before June begins)
Advice and help from anyone is appreciated.... Thank you!!