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Dahri I.

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 21, 2018
Hello there! Let me explain you. I bought a 15" MacBook Pro with 16 RAM and 256 GB for storage back in December 2017. The problem is that after two months, it started with issues as the display showing different colors each time I tried to open or close my MacBook. I can't work like that because I'm a Graphic Designer. I thought it could be the screen ribbon cable, so I went to an iShop in Mexico for a diagnosis. They told me they are going to make a routine diagnosis and then they're going to contact me later to tell me what's wron with it. Also, I left my iPhone for a battery replacement but that's another story. I waited for a few days and I recieved no answer. So I tried to call them to know what was happening and nothing, they didn't answer. So I called to Apple Support in US the next week and "John" told me that they're going to take my case and see what wrong with that iShop. Sigh, they literally ignored this guy from Apple Support. After a few days this iShop respond to "John" saying that they've been in contact with me via email (lies). Later on, he called me to let me know the whole situation. I can't pick up my things, I'm about 4-5 hours away from that place and they told me last week, if I do that, i can't take my things just like that because a long protocol should be filled and they have diagnosed that my motherboard is damage and already order the piece but forgot everything about my iPhone. They didn't order the battery until last Tuesday. I'm desperate, I know this guy from support is doing his best and he can't do everything, but tech support sucks and they've treated me like nothing. I worked and saved a lot for my work gear and they give zero fs about it. Should I sue them or something? I don't know what to do, I'm desperate and broke :(


macrumors G4
At this point I think your better speaking directly with Apple. Get on the phone and ask to speak with a supervisor/manager. You want to get this elevated to try and speed things up. Be calm and remain polite, explain your situation. Sue them! forget that you need help and assistance not aggravation and resistance.

Your also dealing with a 3rd part directly not Apple directly, which frankly complicates matters. Just slowdown a little, again speak with the iShop, keep calm tell them it's costing you not being able to use the computer (remember iShop didn't manufacture the computer, they are just honouring the warranty). In this case be their "friend" not their enemy, work with them not against them.

I get your in a bind, but this is a consumer grade, albeit premium notebook, this is the service you will get. What's your priority the phone or the computer? Focus on what's most important. I work independently; irrespective of performance having a viable backup/standby system is worth it's weight in Gold. Forget the newest & fastest, look at what's most reliable and a budget for a backup system is imperative, even if old, like as not it will get the job done in time. Sage advice "don't put all your eggs in one basket" still stands to this very day, computers, phones, whatever...

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Dahri I.

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 21, 2018
At this point I think your better speaking directly with Apple. Get on the phone and ask to speak with a supervisor/manager. You want to get this elevated to try and speed things up. Be calm and remain polite, explain your situation. Sue them! forget that you need help and assistance not aggravation and resistance.

Your also dealing with a 3rd part directly not Apple directly, which frankly complicates matters. Just slowdown a little, again speak with the iShop, keep calm tell them it's costing you not being able to use the computer (remember iShop didn't manufacture the computer, they are just honouring the warranty). In this case be their "friend" not their enemy, work with them not against them.

I get your in a bind, but this is a consumer grade, albeit premium notebook, this is the service you will get. What's your priority the phone or the computer? Focus on what's most important. I work independently; irrespective of performance having a viable backup/standby system is worth it's weight in Gold. Forget the newest & fastest, look at what's most reliable and a budget for a backup system is imperative, even if old, like as not it will get the job done in time. Sage advice "don't put all your eggs in one basket" still stands to this very day, computers, phones, whatever...


My computer is the most important so I kept my focus on that. I was also being polite with them, a lot, trying to keep the things calm. I was searching for a reliable laptop but I ended with something that didn't lasted 3 months. Also did an exhaustive research because I needed to work pretty fast, my work demands it. Thought this was the best option but I was wrong. They sent me to that iShop, they know my situation and I know it's not fully their fault. Thanks a lot for your advice! I'll follow it. Cheers!


macrumors 68000
Mar 26, 2018
You should definitely not sue them. A waste of time and money. I assume that your MacBook should still be covered by a warranty (it would be in the US). You need to stop dealing with third party repairers and deal directly with Apple. There are Apple stores in Mexico so they should also have the ability to handle warranty claims.

Dahri I.

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 21, 2018
You should definitely not sue them. A waste of time and money. I assume that your MacBook should still be covered by a warranty (it would be in the US). You need to stop dealing with third party repairers and deal directly with Apple. There are Apple stores in Mexico so they should also have the ability to handle warranty claims.
I wanted to repair my MacBook directly with them, but the first person who I met at the chat support only gave me the "option" to send it to a third party repairer. The real problem is that ishops based in Mexico think they can do whatever they pleases skipping protocols. After all the suffering, Apple took full responsability. From now, i'll only repair my things in the US. Also, my problem is almost resolve and now i'm filling an exhaustive report to that ishop because support told me so.


macrumors 68000
Mar 26, 2018
I wanted to repair my MacBook directly with them, but the first person who I met at the chat support only gave me the "option" to send it to a third party repairer. The real problem is that ishops based in Mexico think they can do whatever they pleases skipping protocols. After all the suffering, Apple took full responsability. From now, i'll only repair my things in the US. Also, my problem is almost resolve and now i'm filling an exhaustive report to that ishop because support told me so.

I am happy to hear that Apple is going to take care of it. It is disappointing they use third parties so extensively in Mexico.
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