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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 23, 2008
I have a Macbook Pro and I need to make the vibration last longer on my Iphone 3G because i miss almost every text, and i am a teenager and texting is my life, just like any other teenager. Thoe, I am computer smart, so don't feel i wont understand your directions. I am using 2.2 software.
I have a Macbook Pro and I need to make the vibration last longer on my Iphone 3G because i miss almost every text, and i am a teenager and texting is my life, just like any other teenager. Thoe, I am computer smart, so don't feel i wont understand your directions. I am using 2.2 software.

Gosh.. trying really hard not to make an inappropriate answer for you here. :eek:

But, I actually would like this also.... for texts of course.
but see, when i go to that topic.. it says, ssh or winSCP but i dont have a windows computer or a jailbroken ipod, i believe that is what is needed to ssh, correct? or do i need a jailbroken ipod, to do all of this..?
I've heard it slows 3G down.. And it like gives away your warranty
Should I Jailbreak..? Very tempted.. where do i get all the third party apps. And If so.. what is reccomeneded. quick pwn?
yep quickpwn is fine and it will install an app called cydia that you will install all your 3rd party apps via
Should I Jailbreak..? Very tempted.. where do i get all the third party apps. And If so.. what is reccomeneded. quick pwn?

There's quite a few people in this community that will tell you not to and that it will slow down your phone and open you up to additional security risks. Take their words as half truth, as the only way this will happen is if you're careless and don't watch what you install. But really most (if not all) of the packages you'll find available in Cydia are approved by the Cydia folks before they're posted for download.

In short, be aware of what you're downloading, don't install useless crap, and remove everything you're not using.
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