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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 20, 2008
My 2013 imac running El Capitan 10.11.6 is out of storage. It has a 1TB internal hard drive and has only 3GB free. Most of it is Other and Photos. i've deleted what i could. Interesting that when i delete from Photos, it is the yellow "Other" that decreases in size.

For work, i export certain photos from PHOTOS and save as files on my mac and then use photoshop.

I am thinking about getting a second 2TB external hard drive (in addition to my 2TB hard drive that i use for Time Machine) and put everything on it--so use it instead of my internal hard drive.

Is that a good idea or do you recommend doing something else?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
3gb is not "enough free space". The OS is going to "bog down" trying to run within it.

Moreover, if the internal drive is a platter-based hard drive, it's probably become quite fragmented by now (the "free space" as well as the files themselves), and could stand a good defragging.

If you really want to see better performance, you need TWO external drives:
1. An external BOOT SSD (to hold the OS, apps, and stripped-down user account)
2. A second large-capacity external drive (could be platter-based) to hold things like movies, music, photos.

If you throw out enough stuff on the internal drive you could probably do well with just the external boot SSD....
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