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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 7, 2009
First off let me just say this forum is awesome and full of great information.. Theres soo much information im kinda confused right now..

I have a 32gb black 3Gs it on 3.0 with 04.26.08 firmware also im running itunes I currently have my phone jailbreaked and i love it..

I have not allowed itunes to update or my phone to update to 3.0.1 or 3.1 (just been scared to do so). I am a windows guy so i dont have acces to a mac and i understand there is no 3.1 jailbreak for 3Gs or windows users at this time.. Now my question is, Is there anything i should be doing to get ready for the new jailbreak when they figure it out for the 3Gs? I know people were saying you should have saved your ECID SHSH on the cydia server, i dont believe i did this cause i dont remeber it, but is there a way to check? Also i did change the the signing process in itunes to I just explored out to the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts opened the file and added that adress to the bottom line (i think thats all that was needed) and saved.. Is there anything else? I am patient and will wait for the JB.. Thanks for all your help..
You've read and listened well. You are right where you need to be. You've done all you need to do to the hosts file assuming you saved it and it updated properly (should be fine). Those of us on 3.0.1 and using Windows are just waiting for the Dev team to release a windows version for us. 3G seems to be a little trickier to crack, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time.

As far as the Cydia SHSH files, you will get another opportunity to save that when you are on 3.1 and Saurik has updated Cydia to do the grab.

Hang in there!
Open up Cydia. On the main screen at the top does it say "This iPhone 3G has an ECID SHSH on file."? If so then you are as safe. As far as anything else you can do to prepare...there isn't anything. Enjoy your phone and let things fall into place.
Open up Cydia. On the main screen at the top does it say "This iPhone 3G has an ECID SHSH on file."? If so then you are as safe. As far as anything else you can do to prepare...there isn't anything. Enjoy your phone and let things fall into place.

It does not state that in cydia when i launch it... :(

ok one more question and im sure the answer is no but on the 25th with MMS is released will i be able to send and recieve MMS if i stay with my current setup.. Assuming the new JB for 3Gs isnt out yet.. Im sure i will have to be on 3.1 for that but what are your thoughts?
ok one more question and im sure the answer is no but on the 25th with MMS is released will i be able to send and recieve MMS if i stay with my current setup.. Assuming the new JB for 3Gs isnt out yet.. Im sure i will have to be on 3.1 for that but what are your thoughts?

All you need is 3.0 to send MMS after the 25th.
I have a question guys....

I have a 3GS jailbroken on 3.0.1......I have my ECID SHSH saved with Cydia

I'm using Windows Vista 32bit and have changed the host file so it connects with Cydia, not Apple

My question is, is it okay that I'm using iTunes 9.0??? Or do I have to downgrade to a previous iTunes to successfully jailbreak when the dev team releases the fix??
You probably know Pwnage Tool for PC is not out yet, so I'm not sure we know the answer about iTunes 9 and PC yet.

itunes 9 worked fine with PT for Mac, but that is no guarantee for PC

I have read of other PC users who got hold of the custom_restore IPSW and used iTunes to install it. Some have reported 1600 errors, but some have not.

Those with the 1600 errors were advised to try iTunes 8.2. Not sure if that fixed the issue.
Those of us on 3.0.1 and using Windows are just waiting for the Dev team to release a windows version for us.

PwnageTool is Mac-only and will remain Mac-only. Those on Windows machines must rely on others with Macs to supply them with Pwned ipsw files. Redsn0w, when it is released, will be released for both Mac and Windows. It will not preserve your baseband, however.
My question is, is it okay that I'm using iTunes 9.0??? Or do I have to downgrade to a previous iTunes to successfully jailbreak when the dev team releases the fix??

You should be fine to use iTunes 9.0 to restore to 3.0 for now. (Very few people have 3.01 ECID SHSHs saved on his server. Even those with 3.01 installed usually have 3.0 hashes on his server. Apparantly he wasn't able to start collecting 3.01 SHSHs until late Tuesday or early Wednesday).

As for the jailbreak when it comes, I believe people with PwnageTool have had no problem upgrading using a pwned 3.1 3G ipsw in iTunes 9.0.
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