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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 15, 2007
the nes emulator has been updated! runs on 2.0! very well i might add-






game saving doesn't seem to quite work though
How'd you get the ROM's into the phone?

BTW - Yes, it's on Cydia's featured apps page now.

Sam D.
You need to install openssh.

Then use Cyberduck to sftp into your phones ip address. Username needs to be root and the password is alpine.

You can then drop the roms into the correct folder on your iphone.
How To Make A Screen Shot....

you take a screen shot by pressing HOME and POWER buttons together and letting go straight away......
oh awesome. THANKS.
btw. ive tested this. works well. (havn't crashed yet)

now we just need to wait for a gpsphone =)
and a psphone
I can't get this to work. I have NES emu installed. And I used cyberduck and SFTP'ed into my iphone with root alpine.

I created a folder under /var/mobile/Media/ROMS/NES and I know I did that right because the emulator sees the files.

It just returns the error message "Unable to load ROM image"

Any ideas?

BTW, this is a 2.0 Iphone 3G
I can't get this to work. I have NES emu installed. And I used cyberduck and SFTP'ed into my iphone with root alpine.

I created a folder under /var/mobile/Media/ROMS/NES and I know I did that right because the emulator sees the files.

It just returns the error message "Unable to load ROM image"

Any ideas?

BTW, this is a 2.0 Iphone 3G

What kind of ROMs are you using?
Make sure its under var/MOBILE/media/ROMs/Nes.

I was not putting them under mobile. There is a media when you log into cyberduck, that is not the right one. Go under library then mobile and make your folders. Hope this makes sense.
are u sure you have case sensetive folder names?

also if it doesnt work, try ssh into it w/ terminal then
chmod 777 the file.
How's the control of the game with the touch screen and retro controller? Very smooth and easy to play the games? Or is this sort of thing that is cool, but not realistic to play games alot because the controller isn't all that great?
This is the first time I put the NES on my phone. The controller is a little hard to use because you cannot feel the buttons. But you do get use to it, teh more I play the better I get at it.
I figured out my problem. I don't know why this didn't work but here is what I was doing.

On my mac, I had a share folder to a windows machine with zipped NES roms. I unzipped them from the share to my mac desktop, and transferred them up.

Somehow something wasn't transferring right, because at work today, I pulled some roms down from my server and was able to transfer them to the iphone with WinSCP and they work fine.

So maybe the whole FAT32 to HFS wasn't working out so well previously? Who knows.
Ok, the save thing. Is there a command to make it work, like in the old days?

ie chown -hR mobile /var/mobile?

The answer....yes. Saves fine.
Had this problem, checked under the correct path and all my ROMs were 0 bytes... I think this was the problem... hehe -- re transferring now..
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