You may remember several months ago, there was an app called Netflix Fanatic that let you manage your rental cue. It was discontinued and pulled from the web after Apple learned that one of their employees had written it. That was a loss.
Luckily for us, there's a new Netflix interface app for OS X called Netflix Freak. It lets you manage your Netflix cue, adjust your ratings, and search the Netflix database without having to deal with the slow and cumbersome Netflix web interface. It works like a charm! I was already a huge Netflix fan... this just makes using their system much better. Well worth the $15 price (Free 30 day trial).
Luckily for us, there's a new Netflix interface app for OS X called Netflix Freak. It lets you manage your Netflix cue, adjust your ratings, and search the Netflix database without having to deal with the slow and cumbersome Netflix web interface. It works like a charm! I was already a huge Netflix fan... this just makes using their system much better. Well worth the $15 price (Free 30 day trial).