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Che Castro

macrumors 603
Original poster
May 21, 2009
I hope this is the right section to post this

Recommend some good movies/Docs or shows that you have seen on netflix streaming

I have over 100 in my queue, but one movie i saw recently was " The man from Earth"

One of the best scifi movies i ever seen
We enjoyed that, too.

They've just added the Masterpiece Theater "Sherlock", which is a real gas. Especially the first episode.
I think the most recent movie that Netflix recommended for me was one called 'White on Rice'. Very strange little indie film, but I couldn't help but laugh though out the movie.
I can recommend two: "The Fountain" was excellent - it's by the same guy who did "Black Swan." If you're a fan of b-grade slasher flicks, I also recommend "Severance," which is a really solid little european-made gem.
Try Moon and Stranded: Nasfaragos (forgive the Spanish butchering).

Both are excellent space-isolation flicks. Neither gained much notoriety except I think that actor from Moon was nominated for one of the big awards.
If you like horror and sci-fi, I recommend "The Host" a Korean film about a huge creature that has really well-done effects and a good story. I also just watched "Creep" which is a British horror flick about a creature in the subway. Of course, I luv me some Chris Pine in the latest "Star Trek"movie :)

"The Devil's Backbone" is really good, "Dumplings" is a creepy Chinese flick
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Battle Star Galactica!

Started watching it on a thursday, got so into it I finished all of it the following monday.:D forget star trek

This and Dexter are my two favorite shows of all time.
Starman with a very young Jeff Bridges :eek:

This is probably a couple of newb questions but... Apple TV is Netflix ready, right? Also, can use ATV to watch streaming TV programs over the internet? Is there any software to make it easier to find shows?

Starman with a very young Jeff Bridges :eek:

This is probably a couple of newb questions but... Apple TV is Netflix ready, right? Also, can use ATV to watch streaming TV programs over the internet? Is there any software to make it easier to find shows?


Yep, the ATV2 does Netflix fine. Jailbreaking with XBMC adds additional streaming sources, too.
Battle Star Galactica!

Started watching it on a thursday, got so into it I finished all of it the following monday.:D forget star trek

This and Dexter are my two favorite shows of all time.

I give a "Frak ya" to both these. I remember the old battlestar as a kid and wasn't excited about the new one, but it is literally one of the best shows ever put on television, in my opinion.

Dexter is great, too.
Come on...

Best show on Netflix by far is Trailer Park Boys.

Hours of entertainment, 7 seasons + full movie.
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