I have just got a macbook. It is my first Mac.
First off my Speedtouch ADSL modem would not work.
No problem, the reason for getting a laptop was to be mobile and connect wirelessly to the internet.
So I bought a netgear DG834GT, I can connect through the ethernet connection by my wireless connection is giving me lots of problems.
Originally I tried no security, but everytime I connected from the macbook, it said I needed a WEP password.
Ok I set up the DG834GT with a WEP password. However this did not work and I get the message "there was an error joining the airport network"
I have seen this problem all over the internet. Some say a solution is that you cannot type in the pass word which generates the WEP hex 10 digit password, since the aiport card will not translate it.
They say you have to put in the 10 digit hex number (will any of the four generated work, or is it the one you select). Others say you have to precede the hex with $ or 0x or 0X.
Can someone give me exact instructions on what the netgear settings should be,and what my setting should be on my macbook. Screenshots would be a great help.Also can you tell me what format to type in the WEP password when connecting.
Please do not tell me to RTFM. I have been at this for hours. I need help in so may ways.
Please help
First off my Speedtouch ADSL modem would not work.
No problem, the reason for getting a laptop was to be mobile and connect wirelessly to the internet.
So I bought a netgear DG834GT, I can connect through the ethernet connection by my wireless connection is giving me lots of problems.
Originally I tried no security, but everytime I connected from the macbook, it said I needed a WEP password.
Ok I set up the DG834GT with a WEP password. However this did not work and I get the message "there was an error joining the airport network"
I have seen this problem all over the internet. Some say a solution is that you cannot type in the pass word which generates the WEP hex 10 digit password, since the aiport card will not translate it.
They say you have to put in the 10 digit hex number (will any of the four generated work, or is it the one you select). Others say you have to precede the hex with $ or 0x or 0X.
Can someone give me exact instructions on what the netgear settings should be,and what my setting should be on my macbook. Screenshots would be a great help.Also can you tell me what format to type in the WEP password when connecting.
Please do not tell me to RTFM. I have been at this for hours. I need help in so may ways.
Please help