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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 9, 2008
Hi everyone

Just upgraded to 3G and got 2.0.1 installed and Jailbreaked it with Latest 2.0.2 pwnage tool but cant get NetShare (Download version) to work. I keep getting The application "NetShare" cannot be opened. I had it working on the 2G phone version 2.0.

Anyone got it working 3G + Apple 2.0.1 + Pwnage 2.0.2.

I did the chmod 755 in the terminal.
Hi everyone

Just upgraded to 3G and got 2.0.1 installed and Jailbreaked it with Latest 2.0.2 pwnage tool but cant get NetShare (Download version) to work. I keep getting The application "NetShare" cannot be opened. I had it working on the 2G phone version 2.0.

Anyone got it working 3G + Apple 2.0.1 + Pwnage 2.0.2.

I did the chmod 755 in the terminal.

chmod 775 ?
Dude, if you're jailbreaking, why are you using NetShare? 3Proxy does the same thing only you don't have to have it open all the time during use. It runs in the background.

Plus you can't ask for help with pirated software here. :rolleyes:
Dude, if you're jailbreaking, why are you using NetShare? 3Proxy does the same thing only you don't have to have it open all the time during use. It runs in the background.

Plus you can't ask for help with pirated software here. :rolleyes:

Actually, you have to jump through a few hoops to get 3proxy to run. Netshare is easier to use, plus if I'm tethering chances are I'm not using the phone for anything else, so keeping Netshare running is not a negative for me.
Using an SFTP application (I use Cyberduck), drag the folder from the desktop into the iPhone's /Applications folder.

Open a terminal window, and open an SSH session with the iPhone:

$ ssh root@

(replace the IP address above with your iPhone's IP Wi-Fi address.) The default root login password is "alpine".

Next, go to the folder:

# cd /Applications/

and change the access file mask of the main application file:

# chmod 755 NetShare

Reboot (or re-spring if you know how) your iPhone.

You're done!Using an SFTP application (I use Cyberduck), drag the folder from the desktop into the iPhone's /Applications folder.

Open a terminal window, and open an SSH session with the iPhone:

$ ssh root@

(replace the IP address above with your iPhone's IP Wi-Fi address.) The default root login password is "alpine".

Next, go to the folder:

# cd /Applications/

and change the access file mask of the main application file:

# chmod 755 NetShare

Reboot (or re-spring if you know how) your iPhone.

You're done!

This is the guide i followed which someone else on this forum posted. But i will try 775.
i had this same problem just make sure you have free apps from the app store on your iphone aswell so make sure you sync the apps with free apps
I had the exact same problem with the upgrade. Netshare wouldn't start, no matter what. If you look around there are two ways to get netshare and other apps installed. One is to put the app directory to the apps folder and the other is to install is using itunes with the modified installer.

The modified installer through itunes is a cleaner solution and got netshare to work back again. I'm at work but I do have the instruction link at home. Let me know if you need it.

PS: For somereason netshare connections hang a lot on my Laptop. It works for like 15 seconds and then stops and starts back up. I thought it was the 2.0 firmware and upgraded that to 2.1 and the new netshare through itunes but still the same result. Can someone advise please
Here are the instructions from another this site:

How to guide:

1. You need to be on jailbroken 2.0 with Cydia installed. (If on a Mac use PwnageTool and if on Windows use WinPwn)

2. Now install OpenSSH. Click on Cydia and then click Install(Sections)>Networking>OpenSSH then click Install>Confirm (if you get a running out of disk space error click “ok”) Then click close window. Now click on the home button.

3. Now log into WinSCP (if you dont know how watch this) The first time you try to login you may get a connection timeout error, click retry and it should work. If you still get an error reboot your iPod/iPhone and try again.

4. Create a folder called Documents in /var/mobile/ and set permission to 777

5. Create a folder called Documents in the /Applications folder and set permissions to 777. This will fix the Disk Full error message seen when launching the game.

———Note: You will only need to create these two Documents folders once———
6. Now go to <root> “/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework”

7. Rename the file “MobileInstallation” to “MobileInstallation.bak”

8. Download this patched file - HERE

9. Place the patched file into the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework folder and set the permissions 775 for the patched MobileInstallation file

10. Reboot your iPhone/iPod Touch- IMPORTANT!

11. Download cracked Games and Apps from Update: below scroll down :)

12. Download at least one App fromt he App Store(Free or Paid) IMPORTANT: Otherwise you will get an error! [Only need to do this once]

13. Double click on the cracked .ipa you downloaded

14. Sync your iPhone/iPod Touch and enjoy!

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