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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 22, 2021
Hello. I own an iPhone 11 and a very strange thing is happening. The thing I tell you happens after I updated to iOS 14.7.1, later in all the other versions this happened, as if in iOS 14.8 the problem was fixed, but I'm not sure. I subscribe to Telekom Romania Mobile, I have a 4G subscription and there are random moments, when the phone actually switches to 3G, but I can't make data anymore, I can't call / send / receive the first messages. When I try to actually call, he sits and tries to call and then loses the signal and I have to restart the phone or airplane mode. I also changed the SIM card, I did a complete reset of the phone after the update to IOS 15, I also updated to IOS 15.0.1. , including resetting network services. Even from the control panel, my number was reset. The other friends of mine who are on the same network and still have an iPhone have not encountered this problem. On an Android phone I don't have this problem, I also sent a notification to my operator about this issue, thinking that it would be a problem from the relay in my area (here I am waiting for an answer next week from the operator), for that only here I have this problem, but if the others have no problems, I tend to think it's the phone's fault. The problem manifests itself randomly, at different time intervals, once a day, every 2 weeks. This is very frustrating, I did not expect to have such experiences with Apple. What advice can you give me? Or I have to wait for ios 15.1 to fix the problem ...


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 22, 2021
I apologize for the grammatical errors, but I used Google Translate.
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