Really seeking guidance from the experienced heads on here. Converting literally thousands of priceless film negatives into digital format that the family matriarch took over a quite extraordinary lifetime (each converted image is just under 200mb per image). Similarly, there are some amazing audio cassettes/interviews that are in need of conversion. I've been tasked with doing this and I'd love to be able to store all this converted film and audio onto a storage device which could be amended with new "stuff" as it is still being uncovered, have everything backed it up locally, to the cloud and also have Time Machine back-up that local storage. It's of incredible value to the family and I want to ensure it can survive any disaster. Can external storage be networked in say a simple NAS (say Western Digital product with RAID) and still be backed up by Time Machine? Can that photo library on external storage be backed up to iCloud? Any thoughts or solutions would be greatly appreciated!